The Gonzo Daily: Weekend
For the last seven months many of you have been asking what was wrong with Corinna, and to a greater or lesser degree I have obfuscated with all of you. Corinna didn't want me to go into details publically, and - even now - is unwilling to talk about it, and will not be breaking silence until she feels that the time is right.
In late July last year, Corinna turned bright yellow and the surgical team at North Devon District Hospital found that she had what appeared to be a tumour on her pancreas which was pressing against her bile duct in a position that meant it would not be operable. It appeared to be a particularly nasty form of pancreatic cancer, and I was advised that it was possible that she could only have three or four months left to live. This last piece of news was something that I kept to myself, because I didn't want the people I love to suffer more than they were already doing.
Over the next few months she underwent a string of investigations, scans and tests, which gave conflicting and contradictory results. In November we were given cautiously optimistic results, and told to wait for the next three months. Those three months were up on Friday, and we went back to hear the results of the latest series of tests. The "lump" whatever it is has not changed size in seven months and the latest blood tests show no sign of cancer cells. The Oncologist tells us that every indication is that the "lump" is benign and non progressive, and although we go back for more tests in six months time, there is every reason to be happy with her condition.
So how did her condition go from terminal to benign in seven months? I think that the CBD oil therapy she has been using has helped a lot. But I think that the most important thing is the outpouring of good vibes and love that have some from so many of you over the past seven months. I truly believe that you have done a lot towards bringing about the place where we are today, and neither of us can ever thank you enough.
Here we should say that the story is not over. Whilst there is every reason to suppose that it is good news. the situation might have changed again by the time we go back in six months time, and neither of us would like anyone to think that we are being blase about it. But at the moment the news is good. Also, the secondary health problems which have plagued Corinna since her original surgical procedure are still there; she is still on medication and in varying degrees of intermittent discomfort, and - we feel that - it is likely that she will not be returning to her normal state of health and efficiency for several more months. But we are marching on the right road.
A prayer flag (Lung ta) is a colourful rectangular cloth, often found strung along mountain ridges and peaks high in the Himalayas. They are used to bless the surrounding countryside and for other purposes. Traditionally, prayer flags are used to promote peace, compassion, strength, and wisdom. The flags do not carry prayers to gods, which is a common misconception; rather, the Tibetans believe the prayers and mantras will be blown by the wind to spread the good will and compassion into all pervading space. Therefore, prayer flags are thought to bring benefit to all. By hanging flags in high places the Lung ta will carry the blessings depicted on the flags to all beings. As wind passes over the surface of the flags, which are sensitive to the slightest movement of the wind, the air is purified and sanctified by the mantras.
I believe something similar happens with positive vibes transmitted electronically. And so, please forgive me when I write about Corinna's health problems every day, but I am convinced that these electronic Lung ta and the resulting torrent of good vibes that has been the major contributory factor to the aetiology of her illness so far.
Blessed be.
THE GONZO TRACK OF THE DAY: Bob Marley - Thank Yo...
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And by the way chaps and chappesses, a trip to the Jon Downes megastore may seem to be in order:
Meanwhile I continue to pretend that I am a popstar, because now I have sold eight whole copies of my new album Coldharbour. If I continue at this rate I will get a silver disc sometime at the beginning of the next millenium. Coldharbour, by the way, can be found here:
I think it is really rather good, but then again I would say that wouldn't I?
I do have good news to impart: Lars Thomas' book about the mystery land animals of Scandinavia and the Baltic States has been uploaded, and over at Gonzo the first volume of Kev Rowland's The Progressive Underground is also imminent. And at Fortean Fiction, my latest novel - 'Zen and Xenophobia' - vaguely a sequel to 2015's 'The Song of Panne' - is now available.
! would warn you that if you are of a nervous disposition, or easily offended, you will find parts of my novel both offensive and upsetting. There is sex, violence, drug abuse, occultism, pornography, firearms, politics, religion, and not a little sociology. But there is also love, kindness, faith, and redemption. And it's a cracking good yarn. Or I think so, at any rate. All I would say on the subject before bidding you farewell is Caveat Lector. And I'm not gonna explain what that means, because because if you don't know what that means then you probably shouldn't be reading the book in the first place.
Gonzo Weekly #323/4
In this week's tremendously Gonzo issue of Gonzo, Alan goes back in time to investigate the Gonzoid beginnings of Gonzo as a genre, we welcome a new columnist (a famous film director, no less) but when we put him on a desert island he tells us all sorts of things that we weren't expecting, Carl and Geordie go in search of lost horror movies, Jon rants about the Pet Shop Boys and Robert Anton Wilson, and Graham brings us up to date with Hawkwind. And there is oodles more...
Hail Eris!
And there are radio shows from Mack Maloney and Friday Night Progressive BUT Strange Fruit is on hiatus due to technical issues AND there are columns from Kev Rowland, and C J Stone, BUT Neil Nixon, Roy Weard Mr Biffo, and the irrepressible Corinna are on hiatus. There is also a collection of more news, reviews, views, interviews and rock wallabies who've blown a fuse (OK, nothing to do with the relatively small macropods who are having electrical problems, but I got carried away with things that rhymed with OOOOS) than you can shake a stick at. And the best part is IT's ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!
This issue features:
Pet Shop Boys, Egg Gang, James Brown, Jon Anderson, Richard Wright, ELP, The Clash, KLF, Michael Jackson, George Harrison, Liz Lenten, Richard Freeman, Strange Fruit, Friday Night Progressive, Mack Maloney's Mystery Hour, Atte Toikka, Bruce Kendall Corbitt, Jacqueline Steiner, Ingo Bischof, Yoskar "El Prabu" Sarante, Joseph “Pepe” William Feliciano Smith, Paul Gene Whaley, James Edward Ingram, Sanford Sylvan, Air Commodore Dame Felicity Barbara Hill, DBE, Harold Ray Bradley (aka TicTac), Johnny Lion (aka John van Leeuwarden), Harris Tapio Marstio, Clive Walter Swift, Job Seda, Alex Brown, Bill Sims Jr., Tim Landers, Peter Paul Posa MNZM, Kirill Aleksandrovich Tolmatsky (aka Detsl), Michael David Ledbetter, Giampiero Artegiani, Blaine Cameron Johnson, Albert Finney Jr., Kyle Yorlets, Phil Western, Guy Webster, Olli Lindholm, Joe Hardy, The Fall, Tony Palmer, Chad Mitchell Trio, Deviants ixvi, Mick Farren, Alan Dearling, Hunter S. Thompson, gonzo-writing, Tony Klinger, Kev Rowland, Crying Steel, Darrel Treece-Birch, Delusion Squared, Dimmu Borgir, Disen Gage, Dark Matters, Carl Marshall, Geordie Jackson, Lost Horror Films, C J Stone, Hawkwind, Wild Colonial Boy, Jonathan Downes, Martin Springett, Thom the World Poet, Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger
And the last few issues are:
Issue 323-24 (Irvine Welsh)
Issue 321-22 (Discordianism)
Issue 319-20 (Brix Smith)
Issue 317-18 (Christmas)
Issue 315-16 (Steve Miller)
Issue 313-14 (Hawkwind)
Issue 311-12 (Extinction Rebellion)
Issue 309-10 (Steve Hillage)
Issue 307-8 (Michael Moorcock)
Issue 305-6 (Maartin Allcock)
Issue 303-4 (kOZFEST)
Issue 301-2 (Ringo Starr)
Issue 299-300 (Aretha Franklin)
Issue 298 (Alan in Hungary)
Issue 297 (Shir Ordo)
Issue 295-6 (Robert Berry)
Issue 294 (Bow Wow Wow)
Issue 293 (Stonehenge)
Issue 292 (Rolling Stones)
Issue 291 (Alien Weaponry)
Issue 290 (Frank Zappa)
Issue 289 (Misty in Roots)
Issue 288 (Paula Frazer)
Issue 287 (Boss Goodman)
Issue 286 (Monty Python)
Issue 285 (ELP)
Issue 284 (Strangelove)
Issue 283 (Record Store Day)
Issue 282 (Neil Finn and Fleetwood Mac)
Issue 281 (Carl Palmer)
Issue 280 (Steve Andrews)
All issues from #70 can be downloaded at www.gonzoweekly.com if you prefer. If you have problems downloading, just email me and I will add you to the Gonzo Weekly dropbox. The first 69 issues are archived there as well. Information is power chaps, we have to share it!
You can download the magazine in pdf form HERE:
SPECIAL NOTICE: If you, too, want to unleash the power of your inner rock journalist, and want to join a rapidly growing band of likewise minded weirdos please email me at jon@eclipse.co.uk The more the merrier really.
* The Gonzo Daily is a two way process. If you have any news or want to write for us, please contact me at jon@eclipse.co.uk. If you are an artist and want to showcase your work, or even just say hello please write to me at gonzo@cfz.org.uk. Please copy, paste and spread the word about this magazine as widely as possible. We need people to read us in order to grow, and as soon as it is viable we shall be invading more traditional magaziney areas. Join in the fun, spread the word, and maybe if we all chant loud enough we CAN stop it raining. See you tomorrow...
* The Gonzo Daily is - as the name implies - a daily online magazine (mostly) about artists connected to the Gonzo Multimedia group of companies. But it also has other stuff as and when the editor feels like it. The same team also do a weekly newsletter called - imaginatively - The Gonzo Weekly. Find out about it at this link: www.gonzo-multimedia.blogspot.co.uk
* We should probably mention here, that some of our posts are links to things we have found on the internet that we think are of interest. We are not responsible for spelling or factual errors in other people's websites. Honest guv!
* Jon Downes, the Editor of all these ventures (and several others) is an old hippy of 59 who - together with a Jack Russell called Archie, an infantile orange cat named after a song by Frank Zappa, and two half grown kittens, one totally coincidentally named after one of the Manson Family, purely because she squeaks, puts it all together from a converted potato shed in a tumbledown cottage deep in rural Devon which he shares with various fish. He is ably assisted by his lovely wife Corinna, his bulldog/boxer Prudence, his elderly mother-in-law, and a motley collection of social malcontents. Plus.. did we mention Archie and the Cats?