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Currently SpikeTV has been airing episodes of its new series
10 Million Bigfoot Bounty in which nine elite teams of searchers look for definitive proof of the existence of Bigfoot.
In a conversation with ICTMN, brothers Dan and Dave Greene (Mohawk, Tuscarora, Chippewa), who are billed as the Native American team on the show and sometimes called the "Green Giants," talked about their prior experiences as Bigfoot-hunters.
Has either of you actually ever seen Bigfoot?
Dan Greene, Carson City, NV: I have seen Bigfoot on two occasions. I was in the woods of northern Michigan the first time, sledding with my sister Emily. We turned around and saw something sitting by a tree -- we thought it was a bear, then it stood up on two legs and walked and looked at us. Then It walked into the woods. It was a real spooky feeling that made the hair on your neck stand up.
The second time we were on the reservation in Michigan at night and we built a wigwam that we were going to sleep in. It was a moonlit night which lit up the pond and we heard a sound that we thought was chopping. We looked across the pond we saw something tall and dark, it was big and had a branch and was hitting the tree. We were kids, and thought it was a killer chopping up somebody. It wasn't a person because it was dark and shaggy and he was hitting a tree with a branch. This was in 1985. This was before the
theory of three came about.
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