TALES of the Yeti will abound in Woolsery when the largest gathering of esoteric natural history scholars in the English-speaking world,takes over the village community hall..
The Centre for Fortean Zoology’s annual conference, the Weird Weekend, will see speakers from all over the country discussing their work and discoveries.
The Weird Weekend, being held from August 18-21, is now in its 12th year and is the largest convention of its kind. This year’s speakers include one of the world’s leading geneticists, Professor Bryan Sykes, who will be speaking on the Yeti and samples of hair he has tested.
Monday, August 01, 2011
1. Haunted Skies Volume One by John Hanson and Dawn Holloway (2)
2. Haunted Skies Volume Two by John Hanson and Dawn Holloway (1)
3. A Daintree Diary by Carl Portman (8)
4=. The Owlman and Others by Jon Downes (-)
4=. Man Monkey - The British Bigfoot by Nick Redfern (-)
4=. The Great Yokai Encyclopaedia by Richard Freeman (3)
4=. UFO Down! by Andy Roberts (-)
8. Extraordinary Animals Revisited by Dr Karl Shuker (-)
9=. Big Cats Loose in Britain by Marcus Matthews (3)
9=. Space Girl Dead on Spaghetti Junction by Nick Redfern (-)
1. The Monsters of Texas by Ken Gerhard and Nick Redfern (3)
2. When Bigfoot Attacks by Michael Newton (-)
3. Tetrapod Zoology Book One by Dr Darren Naish (-)
4. The Great Yokai Encyclopaedia by Richard Freeman (6)
6=. Haunted Skies Volume Two by John Hanson and Dawn Holloway (5)
6=. The Mystery Animals of Ireland by Gary Cunningham and Ronan Coghlan (4)
8=. Big Bird by Ken Gerhard (-)
8=. Weird Waters - the lake and sea monsters of Scandinavia and the Baltic States by Lars Thomas (-)
10. Man Monkey - The British Bigfoot by Nick Redfern (-)
Last month's positions in this pinky colour, which I think is called cerise. July's sales were rather good in both the UK and the USA. Certainly nothing to grumble about.
1. Haunted Skies Volume One by John Hanson and Dawn Holloway (2)
2. Haunted Skies Volume Two by John Hanson and Dawn Holloway (1)
3. A Daintree Diary by Carl Portman (8)
4=. The Owlman and Others by Jon Downes (-)
4=. Man Monkey - The British Bigfoot by Nick Redfern (-)
4=. The Great Yokai Encyclopaedia by Richard Freeman (3)
4=. UFO Down! by Andy Roberts (-)
8. Extraordinary Animals Revisited by Dr Karl Shuker (-)
9=. Big Cats Loose in Britain by Marcus Matthews (3)
9=. Space Girl Dead on Spaghetti Junction by Nick Redfern (-)
1. The Monsters of Texas by Ken Gerhard and Nick Redfern (3)
2. When Bigfoot Attacks by Michael Newton (-)
3. Tetrapod Zoology Book One by Dr Darren Naish (-)
4. The Great Yokai Encyclopaedia by Richard Freeman (6)
6=. Haunted Skies Volume Two by John Hanson and Dawn Holloway (5)
6=. The Mystery Animals of Ireland by Gary Cunningham and Ronan Coghlan (4)
8=. Big Bird by Ken Gerhard (-)
8=. Weird Waters - the lake and sea monsters of Scandinavia and the Baltic States by Lars Thomas (-)
10. Man Monkey - The British Bigfoot by Nick Redfern (-)
Last month's positions in this pinky colour, which I think is called cerise. July's sales were rather good in both the UK and the USA. Certainly nothing to grumble about.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2
HARPOON OBAMA (Sink his policies)

Loch Ness monster centers go back to court:
Profile on a Nessie hunter:
Biologists impressed by the roving CT cougar:
New Australian toadlet discovered:
Chinese "alien" monkey just in poor health:
A bit on the current Bigfoot research drama:
Profile on a Nessie hunter:
Biologists impressed by the roving CT cougar:
New Australian toadlet discovered:
Chinese "alien" monkey just in poor health:
A bit on the current Bigfoot research drama:
OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today
On this day in 1976 the director Fritz Lang died. Lang is most famous for 'Metropolis' but in my opinion another of his early films, 'M' is even better.
And now the news:
Connecticut River monster (via Chad Arment)
Boffin breeds 'world's tiniest frogs'
Canadian Fish Scientist 'Muzzled' by Government
Gary the greedy gourami takes a break from eating ...
Research in 'Westie' Dogs May Hold Answers to Simi...
Cows Clock-In for Monitored Mealtimes
Tuna at serious risk of extinction
Large population of Critically Endangered antelope...
Huge pangolin seizure in China
Pangolin... (wait for it to get up and waddle off as it has a comical gait):
On this day in 1976 the director Fritz Lang died. Lang is most famous for 'Metropolis' but in my opinion another of his early films, 'M' is even better.
And now the news:
Connecticut River monster (via Chad Arment)
Boffin breeds 'world's tiniest frogs'
Canadian Fish Scientist 'Muzzled' by Government
Gary the greedy gourami takes a break from eating ...
Research in 'Westie' Dogs May Hold Answers to Simi...
Cows Clock-In for Monitored Mealtimes
Tuna at serious risk of extinction
Large population of Critically Endangered antelope...
Huge pangolin seizure in China
Pangolin... (wait for it to get up and waddle off as it has a comical gait):
CRYPTOZOOLOGY ONLINE: On The Track (Of Unknown Animals) Episode 48
The latest episode of our monthly webTV show from the CFZ and CFZtv, bringing you the latest cryptozoological, and monster hunting news from around the world.
This episode brings you:
CFZ in summer
Fortean experiencer photo project
Identifying the aequidens
Heterandaria formosa
Baby caecilians
Brian Regal interview
The village fayre
The 2012 Yearbook
Corinna looks at out of place birds
New and Rediscovered: New spider
New and Rediscovered: New desert tortoise
New and Rediscovered: Rediscovery of the rainbow toad
New and Rediscovered: Rediscovered freshwater limpet
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
CFZ CANADA: Toronto Tunnel Monster

Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
Two matters concerning Lake Monsters came to my attention and seemed to need immediate treatment. I am still holding on a piece about a scrap of Neanderthal cranium dredged up from the bottom of the North Sea.
The first posting is on Russia's Monster of Lake Brosno:
And the other is on the Connecticut River Monster:
The first posting is on Russia's Monster of Lake Brosno:
And the other is on the Connecticut River Monster:
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
It is interesting to see that the young man who shot and killed one of the blue dogs the other week may be facing animal cruelty charges. I refer anybody interested in this case to these articles by Regan Lee and Ben Radford.
This opens quite an interesting can of worms, and one I have to admit I had not thought about before, despite my well-publicised like of the term 'chupacabras' for these poor woe-begone creatures, which are obviously nothing of the sort.
As I have written elsewhere, the term chupacabras seems to have been coined by my mate Ismael Aguyo some time in the mid-1990s, and was (and is) used to describe the semi-bipedal spiky creature of the Canovenas grassland plains in central Puerto Rico. As I have written elsewhere, the fact that it seems to be common parlance now for a plethora of blue and grey skinned canids from the southern states of the USA is nothing but bad news.
Indeed I appeared in a pilot episode of something called The Tracker for the Discovery Channel back in 2004 and said just this. If the Discovery Channel hadn't been such sensationalist idiots and had used my pilot rather than something shot a few months later starring a person calling himself Spaceman Joe, who apparently wandered about with a pair of deely boppers on his head and talking pernicious nonsense, then perhaps common sense might have prevailed.
This latest incident when 13-year-old Carter Pope shot what appears to be a mangy coyote has actually highlighted something I feel is very important. It is obvious to anybody with more than half a brain cell to rub together that these things are canids of some description. Indeed, it appears that the vast majority of them are mangy dogs or coyotes. Others, however, are more interesting. Some of the male animals have peculiar cushions of flesh on their haunches, which I have not seen in any other extant canid. DNA tests on the specimens secured by Dr Phyllis Canion at Cuero some years ago have proven to be a coyote x Mexican wolf hybrid. As there are no known Mexican wolves in Texas, or indeed in Mexico, this is, to say the least, an exciting set of finds.
Other DNA secured by Richie and Naomi West has been identified as a coyote cross, and we hope that the next lot of analysis by Lars Thomas, Tom Gilbert and their team will give us more information.
Whatever they are, they are not semi-bipedal or vampiric. They are not monsters, and I have only just realised this, but to insist on flying in the face of both scientific evidence and common sense and calling them by a monstrous name demonises them. Is it any wonder, then, that at 13-year-old boy shot one thinking that he had bagged a monster, when - of course - he had done nothing of the sort? Whatever these creatures are, they do not deserve to be demonised, and they do not deserve to be shot at by trigger happy teenagers.
(Golly, I got through a whole article without bringing up the subject of the wisdom of giving guns to children. Whoopee!)
This opens quite an interesting can of worms, and one I have to admit I had not thought about before, despite my well-publicised like of the term 'chupacabras' for these poor woe-begone creatures, which are obviously nothing of the sort.
As I have written elsewhere, the term chupacabras seems to have been coined by my mate Ismael Aguyo some time in the mid-1990s, and was (and is) used to describe the semi-bipedal spiky creature of the Canovenas grassland plains in central Puerto Rico. As I have written elsewhere, the fact that it seems to be common parlance now for a plethora of blue and grey skinned canids from the southern states of the USA is nothing but bad news.
Indeed I appeared in a pilot episode of something called The Tracker for the Discovery Channel back in 2004 and said just this. If the Discovery Channel hadn't been such sensationalist idiots and had used my pilot rather than something shot a few months later starring a person calling himself Spaceman Joe, who apparently wandered about with a pair of deely boppers on his head and talking pernicious nonsense, then perhaps common sense might have prevailed.
This latest incident when 13-year-old Carter Pope shot what appears to be a mangy coyote has actually highlighted something I feel is very important. It is obvious to anybody with more than half a brain cell to rub together that these things are canids of some description. Indeed, it appears that the vast majority of them are mangy dogs or coyotes. Others, however, are more interesting. Some of the male animals have peculiar cushions of flesh on their haunches, which I have not seen in any other extant canid. DNA tests on the specimens secured by Dr Phyllis Canion at Cuero some years ago have proven to be a coyote x Mexican wolf hybrid. As there are no known Mexican wolves in Texas, or indeed in Mexico, this is, to say the least, an exciting set of finds.
Other DNA secured by Richie and Naomi West has been identified as a coyote cross, and we hope that the next lot of analysis by Lars Thomas, Tom Gilbert and their team will give us more information.
Whatever they are, they are not semi-bipedal or vampiric. They are not monsters, and I have only just realised this, but to insist on flying in the face of both scientific evidence and common sense and calling them by a monstrous name demonises them. Is it any wonder, then, that at 13-year-old boy shot one thinking that he had bagged a monster, when - of course - he had done nothing of the sort? Whatever these creatures are, they do not deserve to be demonised, and they do not deserve to be shot at by trigger happy teenagers.
(Golly, I got through a whole article without bringing up the subject of the wisdom of giving guns to children. Whoopee!)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
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