It is a glorious sunny day, the birds are singing, Graham is outside filming a female Harvest mouse, I am eagerly awaiting the new album by PiL, and I have a sneaking suspicion that my lovely wife is going to make an apple cake later. God is in his heaven and all is right with the world.
Today on Gonzo Daily, we have all sorts of nice things.
First of all we have a real exclusive - part one of an interview with Galahad:
And for those of you not in the know about this outstanding band, here is some information about their new album:
Auburn have recently finished a short tour. We have an interview with Liz Lenten any day now, but in the meantime some smashing film of one of the soundchecks:
Chris Thompson (ex-Manfred Mann's Earth Band) has a new live album and DVD package:
We have a link to a smashing review of Mimi Page's album:
A link to an equally smashing review of 'Orfeas' by Judge Smith:
A link to a video of Rick Wakeman explaining about Musicality:
News on one of my favourite trippy prog artists - Comus have a new album out after nearly four decades:
And a review of an absolutely cracking DVD documentary about The Beatles' Apple Records from those jolly nice people at Chrome Dreams/Sexy Intellectual:
See you tomorrow..