I’ve lost count of the number of times that I’ve started my daily bloggy
thing by saying that “We live in strange and disturbing times” but it is true,
and getting even truer with every day that passé. one of the things that I find
most difficult to get my head around is the way that mass communication means
that people all over the internet can comment on things almost as soon as they
happen. take the events in the Middle East for example, although the BBC website
is playing it down, a lot of online pundits, including people I know and trust
are coming out with dark mutterings about the advent of World War III. Whether
or not it happens God alone knows, and I make it a habit not to second guess
deities. But whatever way you look at it, it is not a particularly jolly thing
for a middle aged manic depressive to read whilst he is having his
on another matter, we recently posted a news story hinting that Alice
Cooper was joining together with Rick Wakeman to present a super-duper showing
of Wakeman’s classic King Arthur album. Well, he’s not! They are on the same
bill for the event, but will be performing separately.
On yet another matter I managed to make what is technically called a
cock-up last weekend as regards to the Indeprog Awards. I mis-spelt them on the
cover, and - even worse – failed to post them to the FNP page. so we will be
covering them again in this weeks issue of the magazine.
And finally for those of you interested in such things, the December issue
of the CFZ members only newsletter went out to all subscribers yesterday,
including news on various recent Bigfoot, lake and sea monster reports as well
as news on the latest addition to Denmark’s mammal list. If you want to
subscribe just follow this link: http://www.cfz.org.uk/shop/join.htm.
If you did not receive the magazine, and feel as though you should have
done then please email Corinna@cfz.org.uk and she will sort it out.
GONZO PEOPLE: Olivia McCarthy (Happy Birthday dear...
THE GONZO TRACK OF THE DAY: Nik Kershaw - Wouldn't...
AUBURN/Mixed Feelings
YES ALUMNI: Alice Cooper joins Rick Wakeman to per...
Gonzo Weekly #158
Billy Sherwood, Rolling Stones, Carol Hodge, Crystal Grenade, Steve
Ignorant, Dreadzone, Glyn Johns, Digitiser, Mr Biffo, Roy Weard, Mack Moloney, A
J Smitrovich, Dogwatch, That Legendary Wooden Lion, Hawkwind, Jon Anderson, Mack
Moloney, and Yes fans had better look out!
The latest issue of Gonzo Weekly (#158) is available to read at
www.gonzoweekly.com, and to download at http://www.gonzoweekly.com/pdf/. It
has Billy Sherwood on the cover and an interview with him inside inside. Jon
critiques a book by legendary sound man Glyn Johns, and muses on the Rolling
Stones, we interview Carol Hodge, and Corinna sneers at some more tacky pop
memorabilia. John talks about Dreadzone, Xtul are back in the deep woods. Neil
unearths a hidden gem, Thom waxes all poetical like, whilst the legendary Roy
Weard continues his regular column, C J Stone does his, A J Smitrovich continues
thumbing through his Dad's LPs, and Mr Biffo has more of his regular slices of
insanity from the world of Digitiser 2000, and there is a radio show from
Strange Fruit, one from Friday Night Progressive and another from Mack Moloney,
and because it is the full moon there is a show from Canterbury sans Frontières.
There is also a collection of more news, reviews, views, interviews and
antechinuses wanting poos (OK, nothing to do with small marsupials who are
slightly constipated, but I got carried away with things that rhymed with OOOOS)
than you can shake a stick at. And the best part is IT's ABSOLUTELY
This issue features:
Rolling Stones, Ringo Starr, Tom Jones, Elton John, Flaming Lips, Wayne
Coyne, Miley Cyrus,Julian Dorio, Eagles of Death Metal, Yoko Ono, Pink Floyd,
Roger Waters, Keith Levene, David Bowie, Barbara Dickson, Strange Fruit, Friday
Night Progressive, Cailyn Lloyd, Dave Kerzner, Astronomusic, Hox Vox, Vicki
Harris, Christiane Helde, Joni Sunshine, Mack Maloney's Mystery Hour, Canterbury
Sans Frontieres, Herman George van Loenhout, Nola, Cynthia Robinson, Nucleus,
The RAZ Band, Mark Murdock, Brand X, Alexis Korner, 13th Floor Elevators, Billy
Sherwood, Carol Hodge, John Brodie-Good, Dreadzone, Marcus sims, Roy Weard, Mr
Dad's LPs, A.J. Smitrovich, Mr Biffo, Hawkwind, Xtul, Glyn Johns, Yes, Chris
Squire, Steve Hackett, Steve Smith, Jon Anderson, Jean-Luc Ponty, Rick Wakeman,
Emmie Beckitt, ELO, Prince, Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Sharon & Ozzy Osbourne,
Bowling for Soup, Neil Nixon, Black Box Recorder, Folkodia
Read the previous few issues of Gonzo Weekly:
Issue 157 (Drones for Daevid)
Issue 156 (Rick and Emmie)
Issue 155 (Pink Fairies)
Issue 154 (Steve Ignorant)
Issue 153 (Martin Barre)
Issue 152 (4th Eden)
Issue 151 (Corky Laing)
Issue 150 (Roger Dean)
Issue 149 (Tony Palmer in Space)
Issue 148 (Wally Hope)
Issue 147 (Thom the World Poet cover)
Issue 146 (Bee and Flower cover)
Issue 145 (Dave Brock cover)
Issue 144 (Percy Jones cover)
Issue 143 (Billy Sherwood cover)
Issue 142 (Daevid Allen and Spirits Burning cover)
Issue 141 (Rick Wakeman cover)
Issue 140 (Jaki Windmill cover)
Issue 139 (Raz cover)
Issue 138 (Galahad cover)
Issue 137 (Chris Squire cover)
Issue 136 (Neil Nixon cover)
Issue 135 (FNP cover)
All issues from #70 can be downloaded at www.gonzoweekly.com if you prefer.
If you have problems downloading, just email me and I will add you to the Gonzo
Weekly dropbox. The first 69 issues are archived there as well. Information is
power chaps, we have to share it!
You can download the magazine in pdf form HERE:
SPECIAL NOTICE: If you, too, want to unleash the power of your inner rock
journalist, and want to join a rapidly growing band of likewise minded weirdos
please email me at jon@eclipse.co.uk The more the merrier really.
* The Gonzo Daily is a two way process. If you have any news or want to
write for us, please contact me at jon@eclipse.co.uk. If you are an artist and
want to showcase your work, or even just say hello please write to me at
gonzo@cfz.org.uk. Please copy, paste and spread the word about this magazine as
widely as possible. We need people to read us in order to grow, and as soon as
it is viable we shall be invading more traditional magaziney areas. Join in the
fun, spread the word, and maybe if we all chant loud enough we CAN stop it
raining. See you tomorrow...
* The Gonzo Daily is - as the name implies - a daily online magazine
(mostly) about artists connected to the Gonzo Multimedia group of companies. But
it also has other stuff as and when the editor feels like it. The same team also
do a weekly newsletter called - imaginatively - The Gonzo Weekly. Find out about
it at this link:
* We should probably mention here, that some of our posts are links to
things we have found on the internet that we think are of interest. We are not
responsible for spelling or factual errors in other people's websites. Honest
* Jon Downes, the Editor of all these ventures (and several others) is an
old hippy of 56 who - together with an infantile orange cat named after a song
by Frank Zappa, and a small kitten totally coincidentally named after one of the
Manson Family, purely because she squeaks, puts it all together from a converted
potato shed in a tumbledown cottage deep in rural Devon which he shares with
various fish, and sometimes a young lady called Jessica. He is ably assisted by
his lovely wife Corinna, his bulldog/boxer Prudence, his elderly mother-in-law,
and a motley collection of social malcontents. Plus.. did we mention the
infantile orange cat, and the adventurous kitten?