“Le Dragon de Hong Kong (The Dragon of Hong Kong ) is the 16th book from Yoko Tsuno comic book series written by Roger Leloup published in 1986 (ISBN 2-8001-1378-2)
While going to visit her Chinese cousin in Hong Kong, the junk Yoko travels on is suddenly attacked by a giant lizard. When Yoko investigates, she discovers that the `dragon` was actually a part of an ambitios movie project. Involved in the project is a little girl called Rosée du Matin (Morning Dew) Yoko becomes very fond of. She is the orphaned daughter of the biologists that created Dai Loon, and she is the only person able to tame the creature somewhat.
Suddenly a second, mechanized dragon appears and begins terrorizing Hong Kong Bay (1) .Through a bank involved with the movie`s budget, Yoko finds the second dragon`s creator Tung, but he takes her and Morning Dew hostage. Tung wants to demonstrate the abilities of his artificial dragon by wreaking havoc around Hong Kong Bay and turning the reports of the destruction into a movie. Yoko manages to fax a part of the script to Vic and Pol, who try to catch up with the robotic dragon. Eventually the robot is attacked and destroyed by Dai Loon, who wishes to free his little friend, but the giant lizard is killed when the robot explodes. During the story, Yoko attains guardianship over Morning Dew and decides to adopt her. (2)
1. As far as I know there is no “Hong Kong Bay” . The nearest I can think of is Victoria Harbour on the N. shore of Hong Kong island
2. Wikipedia Le Dragon de Hong Kong http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Dragon_de_Hong_Kong
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