Friday, April 06, 2012
LINK: The naked wild man of Dighton
Oh yeah, he was out there.On Sept. 27, 1887, The Fall River Daily Evening News reported that some people thought “The naked wild man of Dighton” was the ghost of a Viking who had helped mark Dighton Rock.That’s all the story says, but it is apparent that something, or someone, was sighted in Dighton often enough to be known as “the naked wild man of Dighton.”Hermit? Bigfoot? Madman? Ghost? Other mentions in the press of that time will be hunted down, if at all possible.
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WATCHER OF THE SKIES: cuckoos, lady of the loch, starlings

Because we live in strange times, there are more and more bird stories that come her way, so she has now moved onto the main CFZ bloggo with a new column with the same name as her aforementioned ones...
Update on BTO cuckoos
Martin - picture BTO
One of the BTO tracked cuckoos – Martin – is crossing the Sahara on his way back to the UK. He is moving over the earth’s surface at average speeds in excess of 62 mph! Interestingly, he appears to be following a different route back. You can keep abreast of the cuckoos’ movements by visiting:
Britain's most famous osprey, 'Lady', has returned tothe Loch of the Lowes for her 22nd year
'Lady'is back - for her 22nd breeding season. The remarkable female osprey at theLoch of the Lowes has, against all the odds, returned once again. Probably aged26 years old now, few realistically thought that she would manage two more hugemigrations and yet another breeding season, but she has already mated with anunknown osprey. Her regular mate has not showed up - yet anyway.
Visitorfacilities have been upgraded over the winter at the Loch of the Lowes VisitorCentre to enhance the visitor experience including extension of the toiletfacilities and a new sewerage treatment plant to protect the health of the Lochwhich is vital to the Ospreys. These enhancements have been part-funded by theScottish Government and the European Community Rural Tayside LEADER 2007-2013Programme.
ScottishWildlife Trust Perthshire Ranger, Emma Rawling said:
“I’mdelighted to announce that our regular breeding female osprey returned to thenest at Loch of the Lowes at 8:31 this morning.
“Shehas been positively identified thanks to her distinctive iris and plumage. Itis an amazing achievement for her to return to Loch of the Lowes for her 22ndbreeding year, making her at least in her mid twenties. We are certain she isthe oldest breeding osprey in the UK.
“In2010 she was ill on the nest and thousands of people around the world watchedher remarkable recovery online. She returned in 2011 but her eggs failed tohatch; we feared that might have been the last we would see of this bird, butshe is back again. This is due in no small part to the amazing conservationefforts here at Loch of the Lowes. We’ve had 24 hour protection on the ospreynest that will continue as long as this osprey stays.
“Perhapsthat’s also why I think it’s the best place in the UK to see ospreys. From ourhide, you can see them fishing in the Loch and there is a great view to thenest. Thanks to our high definition web camera, viewers in the Visitor Centreand around the world get a unique view inside an osprey’s nest.”
Lady ofthe Loch – a short film by Lisa Trainer
Starlings becoming a rare sight in Bucks gardens
Photo credit: Wikipedia
A new survey shows that over the past quarter of acentury, starling (Sturnus vulgaris) numbers in Buckinghamshire gardens have hugely declined. The RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch found thatsightings in this county were at an all-time low since the first survey back in1979. Compared to around 15 sightingsper hour when the first survey took place, this time people in Buckswere likely to see just over two of them per hour.
Mary Mackay, of Amersham Bird Watching Club, said:“The results do not really surprise me. “Starlings have been declining for anumber of years and you do not see them anywhere like as often as you used to.
“They struggle because their habitats have changed.They like farmland, and there is less of it about these days, and also becausefewer people have gardens and concrete them over to put cars on their drives.
“It means that things are very difficult, not justfor starlings but for most garden birds.”
RSPB scientist Mark Eaton said: “It would be atragedy if the numbers of starlings continue to plummet and we will do all wecan to help stop this happening.”
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OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today
On this day in 1969 the first RFC document was published marking the symbolic date of birth of the internet.
And now the news:
Hyenas Give Up Scavenging For LentBirds die after being shot with crossbow
Drought conditions playing havoc with bluebell sea...
Rhino wars - South Africa to make rhino horn trade...
Half of Giant Panda Habitat May Vanish in 70 Years...
Reproductive Seasonality Observed in Male Giant Pa...
Woolly mammoth carcass may have been cut into by h...
'Shaggy' Tyrannosaur Now World's Biggest Feathered...
Meet Harry the crustacean, a colourful crab with a...
Devastating fire uncovers rare native orchid
Source found for 1 chemical in dead cat; others a ...
How the internet works:

CFZ has been the winner of the Kraken Awards in International category !!
All information in :
We are very honoured, thank you very much.
DALE DRINNON: Sturgeon/Feathered dinosaurs/ Lane sisters

New Links for Good Friday:
New at the Frontiers of Zoology:
On Tyler Stone's Blog
A posting about a feathered Tyrannosaur recently also featured by Darren Naish:
And on Benny's Blog, the connection between the Real and Fictional Lane Sisters:
KARL SHUKER: Hope you like his new direction

Today, tales of vampires are largely confined to novels, television series, and films, especially in the Western world. In the Philippines, conversely, the fear of what are widely considered there to be real, and very dangerous, supernatural bloodsuckers, lives on – as do, at least allegedly, these entities themselves. Nor is there just one type of Filipino vampire either. On the contrary, a bewildering, somewhat interchangeable array of forms and sexes have been reported, named, and classified. Among the best-known are the berbalangs of Mapun Island, which resemble monstrous humanoid bats but whose astral essence departs their physical bodies at nights to infiltrate those of sleeping humans, whereupon these fiendish horrors feed upon their victims’ entrails. The predominant category of Filipino vampires, however, comprises the aswangs.
Read on...

The Gonzo blog today is another rather groovy one (but when isn't it?)
We revisit Michael Des Barres's forthcoming album, and wonder at the acausive synchronicity of the whole 'Best of British' thing:
We have an exclusive video interview with Gonzo head honcho Rob Ayling. He talks about the Gonzo ethos, the lost broadcasts, and forthcoming releases by Frank Zappa, Stephen Stills and Captain Beefheart:
Whilst on the subject of Captain Beefheart and the forthcoming Gonzo dvd, here are some interesting snippets including a blogpost about his birthplace, and a cartoon depiction of his life by the ever wonderful John Allison:
The world is a poorer place because, 'the father of loud', Jim Marshall has died:
In my day job I am a cryptozoologist, and over the past thirteen years I have studied the grotesque vampiric chupacabras, and even written two books about it. Now proggers Phideaux (who I suspect got their name from the 1975 Goodies annual) get in on the act:
I am a born-again Wally fan, and it seems that I am not the only one:
ANDREW MAY: Words from the Wild Frontier
News and stories from the remoter fringes of the CFZ blogosphere...
From Nick Redfern's "There's Something in the Woods...":
From Nick Redfern's "There's Something in the Woods...":
- The Creature of Bala Lake — A Welsh lake monster...
- The Cross Timbers Creature Conference — Nick will be in Oklahoma on April 14...
- Shadows in the Sky - Buy, Buy, Buy! — New book by Neil Arnold...
- Dingoes and Devils the answer for Australia? — Predators to control invasive species?
- On the Track of Unknown Animals Episode 56 — Latest video news from the CFZ...
- Happy Easter CFZers! — An Easter bunny (or is that a Jackalope?)...
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