Okay, what the heck is this thing? A troll... mutant monkey... hairless Bigfoot... alien creature... something else?
Here's the story, as reported by Bigfoot Evidence:
Locals came across this strange creature while they were escorting a shooting party in Namibia. Witness's state that the creature was spotted apparently foraging for food, one of the shooting party wounded it with his rifle and it escaped into the thick brush. The locals tracked it to a nearby lair or nest where they found three more creatures of similar size. The wounded creature attacked one of the shooting party and it was shot dead, the others escaped into the brush. The body of the creature was taken back to the local camp, police later removed its corpse and a full forensics investigation is under way....
Could it be an unknown animal of some kind? If it's not a hoax, my bet is that it is some kind of deformed or mutated primate. What do you think?
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