The hunt for British Big Cats attracts far more newspaper column inches than any other cryptozoological subject.
There are so many of them now that we feel that they should be archived in some way by us, so we should have a go at publishing a regular round-up of the stories as they come in.
It takes a long time to do, and is a fairly tedious task, so I am not promising that they will be done each day, but I will do them as regularly as I can. JD
This is the only new British story to come in for days, and even this is almost an afterthought at the end of a book review on the Magonia blog. It is interesting, however, and Peter Rogerson makes a good point. On the other side of the Atlantic, Nunez, Louisiana has a mystery black panther...
Unconfirmed black panther sighting in Nunez; experts say it's a house cat
KATC Lafayette News
Maria Davidson, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Large Carnivore Program Manager, says it is a common myth all around the nation that there are "black panthers". "There are 6 big cats in the world. Two can come in black, ...
I have always been a lover of lexilinks, and the radio station callsign has not escaped me. Finally - again on the other side of the Herring Pond, an interesting article on the legends of the lucifee.. (If you want to know the cryptozoological significance of this check out the oft repeated ABC sighting in Cobbet's Rural Rides...
Kings County Register/Advertiser
In the story, Baird told the tale of Ernest Trimper's experience with an extremely large cat. “I listened awestruck as Mr. Trimper related his experiences with the big cat,” Baird wrote. “Bobcat were practically unknown in western Nova Scotia in the ...