Wednesday morning is the day that I get up early in order to liaise with my
amanuenses, the lovely Olivia. By early I mean several hours after most right
thinking people have emerged from their pit, drunk their breakfast coffee and
done whatever else there is that right thinking people do each morning. I,
however, have never been guilty of being a right thinking anything, and so have
no idea what Mr and Mrs Average do on a Wednesday morning. However, this
morning, like every other Wednesday I should have got up bright and early. The
fact is I did get up bright and early, but under the most difficult of
circumstances. The other week one of my ridiculous dogs chewed up the dispenser
in which Corinna lays out my medication each week, with the result that I had to
buy a new one in Asda, and I haven’t got used to it yet. This means that last
night I took my morning medicine instead of my evening medicine and had the
Devil’s own time trying to get to sleep. And when I did get to sleep, my dreams
were fairly surreal and tinged with episodes from ‘Beyond the Pinkerton Road’ by
Mark Fisher; a peculiar book that I am currently reading and enjoying massively.
I have charged Miss Olivia with poking me with a sharp stick if I lose
focus of what I’m supposed to be doing. Luckily she is in Norfolk and I am in
Devonshire, and I doubt whether she will find a sharp stick quite that long. We
shall see!
But now, here is the news:
THE GONZO TRACK OF THE DAY: H. Purcell - The Fairy...
Al Atkins Interview | Judas Priest
NICO interview
Gonzo Magazine Issue #240
We mark the Summer Solstice, with an issue including Alfredo Zitarossa and
The Beatles, and an exclusive excerpt from Tony Klinger’s new book. Alan reviews
The Trouble with Goats and Sheep by Joanna Cannon, Biffo looks at Video Games
featuring Pop Stars, and Jeremy goes to see King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard.
Good ‘ere innit?
And there are radio shows from Mack Maloney, Strange Fruit, and the final
episode of Jeremy Smith's Seven Deadly Sins, but Friday Night Progressive is on
hiatus for a few weeks. We also have columns from all sorts of folk including
Roy Weard, Mr Biffo, Neil Nixon and the irrepressible Corinna. There is also a
collection of more news, reviews, views, interviews and pademelons outside zoos
(OK, nothing to do with small marsupials who have escaped from captivity, but I
got carried away with things that rhymed with OOOOS) than you can shake a stick
at. And the best part is IT's ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!
This issue features:
Alfredo Zitarrosa, Queen, David Bowie, Bruce Springsteen, Yoko Ono,
Coldplay, Eno, Neil Hannon, The Divine Comedy, Barry Gibb, Radiohead, Sigur Rós,
Strange Fruit, Jeremy Smith's Seven Deadly Sins, Mack Maloney's Mystery Hour,
Albert Johnson "Prodigy", Brian Cant, Stephen Furst, Sheila Raye Charles, Byron
Christopher Murrell, Belton Richard, Mary Hopkin, Steve Howe, Ashton Gardner and
Dyke, Tony Klinger, Alan Dearling, Joanna Cannon, King Gizzard and the Lizard
Wizard, Kev Rowland, Elephant Plaza, Wednesday 13, Witch Vomit, Flyinglow, The
Ferrymen, Jim Jackson, Mr Biffo, Paradise9, Roy Weard, Hawkwind, Xtul, Martin
Springett, The Beatles, Elvis, Motley Crew, Biz Markie, Johnny Rotten, Sid
Vicious, Bob Marley, Neil Nixon, The Dope King’s Last Stand
Read the previous few issues of Gonzo Weekly:
Issue 239 (Miss Peach)
Issue 238 (Hawkwind)
Issue 237 (Hawkwind)
Issue 236 (Manchester)
Issue 235 (Jon Anderson)
Issue 234 (Al Atkins)
Issue 233 (Richard Strange)
Issue 232 (Roy Weard)
Issue 231 (Allan Holdsworth)
Issue 230 (Curtis Womack)
Issue 229 (Larry Wallis)
Issue 228 (Space Pharoahs)
All issues from #70 can be downloaded at www.gonzoweekly.com if you prefer.
If you have problems downloading, just email me and I will add you to the Gonzo
Weekly dropbox. The first 69 issues are archived there as well. Information is
power chaps, we have to share it!
You can download the magazine in pdf form HERE:
SPECIAL NOTICE: If you, too, want to unleash the power of your inner rock
journalist, and want to join a rapidly growing band of likewise minded weirdos
please email me at jon@eclipse.co.uk The more the merrier really.
* The Gonzo Daily is a two way process. If you have any news or want to
write for us, please contact me at jon@eclipse.co.uk. If you are an artist and
want to showcase your work, or even just say hello please write to me at
gonzo@cfz.org.uk. Please copy, paste and spread the word about this magazine as
widely as possible. We need people to read us in order to grow, and as soon as
it is viable we shall be invading more traditional magaziney areas. Join in the
fun, spread the word, and maybe if we all chant loud enough we CAN stop it
raining. See you tomorrow...
* The Gonzo Daily is - as the name implies - a daily online magazine
(mostly) about artists connected to the Gonzo Multimedia group of companies. But
it also has other stuff as and when the editor feels like it. The same team also
do a weekly newsletter called - imaginatively - The Gonzo Weekly. Find out about
it at this link: www.gonzo-multimedia.blogspot.co.uk
* We should probably mention here, that some of our posts are links to
things we have found on the internet that we think are of interest. We are not
responsible for spelling or factual errors in other people's websites. Honest
* Jon Downes, the Editor of all these ventures (and several others) is an
old hippy of 57 who - together with a Jack Russell called Archie, an infantile
orange cat named after a song by Frank Zappa, and two half grown kittens, one
totally coincidentally named after one of the Manson Family, purely because she
squeaks, puts it all together from a converted potato shed in a tumbledown
cottage deep in rural Devon which he shares with various fish. He is ably
assisted by his lovely wife Corinna, his bulldog/boxer Prudence, his elderly
mother-in-law, and a motley collection of social malcontents. Plus.. did we
mention Archie and the Cats?