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- By Edwin Duesiester
LITCHFIELD, Maine — Severe ice and snow storms caused a power outage Tuesday affecting more than half a million people living in the United States and Canada. Hundreds were left fighting the cold and darkness with blankets, fireplaces and candles.
But according to some people there is something hiding in the snow. A man in Litchfield, a small community located in Maine, claimed he saw a strange beast in the snow that terrorized him and his dog.
“It ain’t like it used to be, this cold has become tough man…” said M. P., a single man working in construction. “The ice, the snow, yeah we used to get these before, but this is way too sudden. It has caught us by surprise, damn, it sure has.”
M.P. told Cryptozoology News he was outside his house taking the dog for a fast walk, when his furry friend “went nuts”. It was then that they had an encounter with what the man calls “a white bigfoot.”

“I reckon there wasn’t much visibility, as you can imagine with this amount of snow. But I ain’t blind, man, I know what I saw, and my dog got out of control, barking at it, he never barks this much, he was pulling me like I’ve never seen him do before. When I first noticed it I thought it was a bear or something, but that was something else. It moved fast and like a human. It was fat, huge, and it had white long hair everywhere. Looked like a white bigfoot or something, no kidding. Look I don’t believe there are bigfoots or anything here, or in America or anywhere the world, for that matter, but either that was some guy in a costume or I will have to change my mind about the whole bigfoot deal. Now, who would be willing to dress up like this in this foul weather and get run over by a car or something? No sir, that must have been some animal, only I don’t know what kind of animal it was.”