This photo was taken by a motion sensor trail cam in western Kentucky on 10/16/2010 at 10:37 AM. My brother set up the cam and caught the image. He showed it to game wardens and many other people and everyone said they had never seen such an animal.
Some suggested it was some kind of monkey. I heard all this before I saw the photo for myself. When I did finally get to see it, it hit me right off. This is a cat. A house cat. It looks like a big ol' tom cat. The only other suggestion that was made that I might believe is it could be a "Fisher Cat."
I looked it up on the web and viewed many photos and am still not convinced that this is a common house cat out roaming around. The hair parts down the middle of the tail and I have seen many tomcats with tails just like that. They can also have very long tails. I would like to somehow get this mystery solved. While I think it's a tomcat, what do you think?
This story originally appeared on the Paranormal Buffalo newsgroup, and appears courtesy of Rick. Thanks mate.