Thanks to Marky and those jolly nice people at Xiphos Books in Northern Ireland, (Hi Ronan) my 1999 book Rising of the Moon is now available once again. It has been throughlly edited, one incident (which turned out to be complete nonsense) has been expunged, and - by popular demand - there is now a photo session
Why, you may ask, have I not done major rewrites to this edition? The answer is simple. There is a distressing tendency within fortean circles to present new editions of one’s books as an excuse to revise and change what you originally wrote. In the same way as I heartily disapprove of musicians who re-issue their old records, having sanitised, remixed, and re-recorded them, I dislike the revisionist ethic in fortean publishing very much indeed.
Several on my favourite fortean books have been given this treatment in recent years, and I find this most distressing. Therefore - although I no longer believe that this is a unified theory of everything, I have made no revisions, apart from one passage which has been removed partly for legal reasons and partly because it subsequently turned out that it just wasn’t true! A few spelling errors have been corrected, but otherwise this book is as I wrote it back during the autumn and winter of 1988 - a true and accurate portrayal of a strange and cathartic time of my life, together with our humble (and often bumbling) attempts to make sense of it all.
It is even available on Amazon.
I have never been much of a UFOlogist, but these things do exist. I know. I have seen three of them, and as the explanations for these things involving little green men from the planet Tharg are obviously nonsense - something must cause these phenomena. What could they be?
This book was my first attempt to come up with a unified fortean field theory of everything, and whilst I don't know if I altogether succeeded, it was - I feel - a brave attempt, and so it is good that it is available again....