Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Nice vid on Anomaly TV -- I'm in Minnesota -- straight north of Texas or nearly. We have thousands of wolves here in northern Minnesota apparently -- as the Latinos migrate north maybe the wolves are migrating south? Not sure but the Paddlefish on the Mississippi and the river sharks -- both using ampullae of Lorenzi -- could have switched places as well.
Maybe there is some strange hybrid -- since the wolf-dog-coyote mix is not out of the question. Isn't there some small wolf in Mexico?
Blue -- why? Serotonin on the spectrograph is blue btw -- which tells you why Krishna is blue. My guess is some sort of freak toxic mutant as Texas is very polluted as per Bush policy.
Chameleons are blue -- and the reptilian humans could have reptilian dogs. All the best,
drew hempel
TONY LUCAS: How do you prove a Negative?
Now, in New Zealand this phrase could quite possibly never be truer. Each year reports become fewer and fewer, and a lot of of the older generation clutch these memories with dread and fear as if admitting they had witnessed something that would cast derision on their validity as a man. It's all very well to prove something exists if it is already there: sightings, physical evidence, photos etc.
- But what if it is not?
- What if it is already dead and extinct?
- Is there such a thing as a Paleo-cryptozoologist?
To date there are no photographs of any of New Zealands cryptids unless you count Mr Freaneys moa (?) photo; no plaster casts or other physical evidence. So what do we have? Often third-hand accounts, reluctant witnesses, suspicious indigenous people who know tales but refuse to pass them on. Well, you say, look further afield. Well, my reasons for my research were not for money, personal power or anything like that; it was for national pride - our people need to know this hidden part of their heritage, a part very much extinct I fear and will be lost to the mists of time as just another rumour.
The trouble is that I am too young and boyishly pretty to have a 25-year-old stepdaughter, especially one who is getting married in September....
JAN EDWARDS: Can you guess what this is?
OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today
On this day in 1874 Erik Weisz was born. Weisz found fame under the stage name Harry Houdini as the greatest escapologist who ever lived.
And now, the news:
Smiley Riley, the dog with a human grin
Aga meerkats rule the roost
Local couple believe that blue-skinned, dog-like animals seen around the state represent a new species of canine
Protection for 2 shark species fails at UN meeting
'Robo-hawk' takes to the skies
Bee sting therapy causing a buzz
They must ‘bee’ mad…
LINDSAY SELBY: Ropens on a Japanese warship?!
Japanese World War II ship shelled pterosaur caves
February 18th, 2010 at 5:29
Three days ago, I received an email from R. K. (anonymous), of the Manus Island area of Papua New Guinea. (We starting communicating earlier this month.) The nocturnal flying creatures that he described to me – I believe they are ropens – were common and were dangerous to local fishermen previous to the early 1940s, when their numbers declined. In these northern islands, the creature is called “kor.” Here is part of R.K.’s account of the Japanese retaliation against the creatures that had attacked them:
” . . . it was the japs [Japanese miliary] on the island who were attacked by the kor. They [Japanese soldiers] apparently shot several wounding them then followed them to cves [caves] and blew [blew up] the entrances. They called ships fire on the hills and pounded them for several hours.”
R.K. asks an interesting question: “I wonder if there is a record of that somewhere?” Perhaps there is an old Japanese veteran who knows about this or has written about the battle with those creatures. If so, perhaps the word used for those creatures would be “dragons.”
Jonathan Whitcomb Says:
February 25th, 2010 at 4:30 am
Since the end of World War II, Japanese veterans (and the population as a whole), in general, have been hesitant to talk about the military experiences. But this encounter with the “kor” of northern New Guinea is more likely to have been passed on from the Japanese soldiers and sailors. I hope that somebody will search out this strange little battle; it may require somebody who knows the Japanese language.
Source: http://www.livepterosaur.com/LP_Blog/archives/267
Does anyone have any information about this to share with CFZ world please ?
MUIRHEAD`S MYSTERIES: Cheshire Odd Fish reports in the 17th and 18th Centuries
Dear folks,
There, with the utmost difficulty, they effected its landing, not less than ten horses being employed for that purpose. When brought to shore, its form and size struck every person with inexpressible amazement; many opinions were given by seafaring men and others respecting its species - several pronouncing it a basking shark, others a spermaceti whale, and others a grampus, to none of which (as described by our modern writers on Icthyology) it bears any certain similitude. The length is 25 feet; the girth proportionably large, though very unequal; it has two dorsal and six pectoral fins – two of the latter of a very singular form, partaking of the nature of feet. The tail is perpendicular, of prodigious size and strength; there are five gills on each side.
The mouth, when open to its extremity, is three feet wide; there are not any teeth, but a vast quantity of small, irregular, sharp prominences, which are evidentaly given it for the purpose of comminuting its food, the orifice of the throat being astonishingly narrow for a creature of such magnitude. The upper and under jaws are each furnished with ten strong protuberant bones, horizontally placed, which meet when the mouth closes, in such a manner as to appear capable of breaking almost any substance.
The eye is situated very near the mouth, and scarcely larger than that of an ox: the nose is hard and prominent; the whole body is covered with a very thin [?thick] skin, and the weight of the Fish is between four and five tons. We have been thus particular, as it is probable that some ingenious Naturalist may favour the public with the certain information of its real species.- Chester Courant, May 14,1782 (1)
It is difficult to form an opinion from the sketch accompanying the description as to what kind of fish was meant but it is probably intended for one of the Shark tribe.
Again, what might this have been, anyone?
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CONSERVATION: Richard F and Rhino farms in China
The obvious explanation is that the rhinos are being farmed for their horn, which is much in demand in Asia amongst misguided people who believe it holds medicinal properties.
White rhinos are now the most numerous of all rhino species, numbering around 17,500. Amazingly, they were once thought extinct until a small herd of 50 was found alive in South Africa. White rhino are gregarious, and can easily be kept in herds and in enclosures. They are the most docile of rhino species, and the easiest to breed in captivity.
According to the Times, the unusually high number of rhinos being imported to China is the subject of a report to be presented at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. There is no evidence that the rhinos are being farmed for their horns, but wildlife-monitoring groups are concerned at the increase in purchases of the animal by China.
CRYPTO CONS: The Great Moon Hoax
The most well known lunar hoax these days is the assertion that the Apollo missions were faked and that man did not land on the moon in 1969. The conspiracy buffs would have it that so great was Americas desire to get to the moon before the Soviets that the moon landings were filmed in a studio. Personally I have seen no convincing evidence of the Moon landings being faked and one presumes that if they were we might have got a fake Mars landing by now too. There is, however, another widely-known moon-related hoax, which was perpetrated over a century earlier.
In August 1835 the New York Sun carried the headline 'Celestial Discoveries' and an article about a new super-powerful telescope set up in South Africa by the British astronomer Sir John Herschel. The story ran that Herschel had pointed his new telescope at the moon and had found life! Not only that but complex and varied life comparable to that of earth.
The newspaper waxed lyrical for four columns about the vast array of plants and animals Herschel had found living on the moon. There were hoofed animals like blue-coloured unicorn goats, ball-like amphibious creatures that rolled up and down beaches, bison with flaps over their eyes to protect them from the light, birds like pelicans and cranes. After four days of rising circulation figures the newspaper printed its most shocking revelation: the moon was home to intelligent life….
This intelligent life took the form of winged, furry ape-men apparently even possessed of their own religion. So powerful was Herschel’s new telescope that the article was able to give a full and accurate description of these creatures as if the observer had been standing only a few metres away:
'We counted three parties of these creatures, of twelve, nine and fifteen in each, walking erect towards a small wood... Certainly they were like human beings, for their wings had now disappeared and their attitude in walking was both erect and dignified... About half of the first party had passed beyond our canvas; but of all the others we had perfectly distinct and deliberate view. They averaged four feet in height, were covered, except on the face, with short and glossy copper-colored hair, and had wings composed of a thin membrane, without hair, lying snugly upon their backs from the top of the shoulders to the calves of their legs.
'The face, which was of a yellowish color, was an improvement upon that of the large orang-utan ... so much so that but for their long wings they would look as well on a parade ground as some of the old cockney militia. The hair of the head was a darker color than that of the body, closely curled but apparently not woolly, and arranged in two circles over the temples of the forehead. Their feet could only be seen as they were alternately lifted in walking; but from what we could see of them in so transient a view they appeared thin and very protuberant at the heel...We could perceive that their wings possessed great expansion and were similar in structure of those of the bat, being a semitransparent membrane expanded in curvilinear divisions by means of straight radii, united at the back by dorsal integuments. But what astonished us most was the circumstance of this membrane being continued from the shoulders to the legs, united all the way down, though gradually decreasing in width. The wings seemed completely under the command of volition, for those of the creatures whom we saw bathing in the water spread them instantly to their full width, waved them as ducks do theirs to shake off the water, and then as instantly closed them again in a compact form.'
Needless to say, this story shocked the world and led to rival newspapers copying it or making their own versions, calls to send missionaries to the moon and the circulation of the New York Sun to sky-rocket, becoming the highest selling newspaper in the world. Not everyone was taken in by the hoax, but any scientists who came to inspect the original messages were sent across New York in a wild goose chase until they eventually gave up and went home. The stories grew increasingly wilder over the coming days in describing the society and the temples of the moon men until eventually the newspaper printed the sad story that the telescope had been left facing East and the rays of the sun had burnt out the reflecting chamber, destroying the telescope.
The stories were collected in pamphlet form by Richard Adams Locke, who had been their author all along, making some $25,000 from them before interest waned. When word of the stories eventually reached Herschel and he immediately saw the funny side before dismissing them outright. Another person who passed comment on the stories at the time was Edgar Allen Poe who said he stopped work on a sequel to ‘The Strange Adventures of Hans Pfaall’ because he had been outdone.
As cons and hoaxes go, the great moon hoax was one of a rare breed of cons, like P. T. Barnum’s ‘The Great Unknown’ and the BBC’s ‘Spaghetti Harvest’ hoax that created amusement on behalf of those that had fallen for the tall stories without any great offence or regrets.
OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today
And now, the news:
Rare Worthen's sparrow nest sites found in Mexico
Velociraptor's cousin discovered
Flat-headed cat of southeast Asia is now endangered
‘Cats’ sad news.