A word about cryptolinks: we are not responsible for the content of cryptolinks, which are merely links to outside articles that we think are interesting (sometimes for the wrong reasons), usually posted up without any comment whatsoever from me. This post, however, is particularly interesting and the author should be congratulated...
STILWELL, Okla. - Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti. No matter the name a lot of believers gathered in Stilwell this weekend to share their evidence that the creature exist. "Then something happened that was monumental, that just changed how I looked at things in general," recalled one researcher as he described an encounter with a Bigfoot. A common saying when Bigfoot researchers and believers come together.
All this weekend tall tales are being told in Stillwell at the second annual Oklahoma Bigfoot Symposium.
For the speakers and guests gathered from across the country, finding Bigfoot is just part of their life.
"To me to have an experience is almost like an adrenaline rush," Ron Boles with the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization said. "Some people like to jump out of planes. I like to go in the woods."
They understand that not everyone buys in to it. Randy Harrington with the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center didn't really get it he says until he came across an adult Bigfoot with its child in Oklahoma.
"Some people you are just not going to convince they are out there," Harrington said. "Other people are very accepting of the fact that these creatures are out there. I'm telling you, they're out there.
With all of their research devices, Bigfoot believers say the evidence is becoming more and more credible, with thermal technology now being used. Compared to night vision recordings, thermal technology is harder to fake researchers say.
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