Good Morning, campers. It is a slightly chilly summer's day outside, and it is also the weekend when once a year we open the gardens to the general public as part of the national 'Open Gardens' scheme. So it will be quite busy.
Today's Gonzified Delights (memo to self: suggest that Rob opens a chain of confectioners selling these) starts off with news of a lavish 4 CD set by
Jefferson Starship:
I really like Scoop-it. It is a new utility whereby you can present news items and other stuff as a rather swish-looking online magazine. You can cop a sneak preview of the Gonzo Daily Scoop-it at
http://www.scoop.it/t/the-gonzo-daily . However, I have also done one for Michael Des Barres, and as an experiment I have decided to make the embed code available so that you can embed his scoop-it on your own blog or webpage.
Talking to the lovely Helen McCookerybook the other day made me take a trip down memory lane into my own punky past, when I was a spiky-haired young herbert. Then I found this recent BBC documentary and I immediately decided to share it with the lovely readers here at the Gonzo Daily...
My Postbag. It is a fine state of affairs when a picture of a fat hippy making silly faces whilst clutching a handful of CDs and books passes for news. Shame on everyone involved. Tut!
Today, sadly, we come to the final part of my long and rambling chat with the lovely and multi-talented Helen McCookerybook. It was supposed to be about the rather lovely CD she has made with
Daintees frontman Martin Stephenson. It is called Cafe of Tiny Kindnesses and it is one of the most delicate and beautiful things that I have heard in yonks.But the conversation didn't end up like that at all. We spent a long time discussing our shared background in the DIY Punk scene of the late 70s and early 80s.
Gonzo impresario Rob Ayling was out in central London in his suit the other night. Now that's either pretty scary (it was) or he was doing something important. Indeed it was just that. He attended the star-studded (including some of his childhood heroes The Goodies, Tim Brooke Taylor and Dr Graham Garden) glitzy Leicester Square premier of Tony Hawks film
Playing the Moldovians at Tennis. Not only is it a great film, it also helps raise money for a specialist medical unit in Moldova:
And that's it for today. I will be back tomorrow IN RHYME!