Phenomena Magazine's April edition is now available to download, as always free.
Current Issue:April 2011 - Issue 24.
This issue is a bit of a UFO Special. Steve Mera reveals one of the most profound UFO incidents ever to take place in Australia, Andy Roberts delves into the 60's Flying Saucer era, Dr. Karl Shuker provides yet another fascinating article about the sightings of a strange creature known as Wattie. Colin Veacock talks NASA, Lies and Conspiracies. Kirst D'Raven brings us some historical accounts in regards the Drummer of Tedworth. Steve Mera also discusses Grocery Ghost - paranormal activity in Shops and Stores. All this as well as a 1977 MAPIT Archive case, SEP's Spot Light on UK organisations, the latest news, book reviews and much much more...If you would like to offer articles for submission please feel free to, If you would like to offer books etc for review, please contact me for details.
Please also feel free to forward this mail to others you feel may be interested or promote Phenomena Magazine in any other way.
Dave Sadler