I would like to thank Oll for not just doing YNT each day but posting news stories on the day that he realised that both Corinna and I were
hors de combat. Thanks, mate; I really appreciate it.
I have also had a telephone call from Richard Muirhead who wants to apologise that the second half of his article on Chinese knowledge of the giraffe has been postponed. Why? You've guessed it: flu. He has contracted this bloody disease as well and at time of writing (yesterday, by the time you read this) he is tucked up in bed at his mum's house.
Meanwhile Dave McMann who has also got the flu and is suffering horribly, suggested to the fortean email list that all the fortean flu sufferers should come down to Devon, so we could all die together in a Heaven's Gate sort of way. No way!! There's only enough cake and ginger beer left for me!
I might countenance the idea if I have promises of cake!