A word about cryptolinks: we are not responsible for the content of cryptolinks, which are merely links to outside articles that we think are interesting, (sometimes for the wrong reasons) usually posted up without any comment whatsoever from me.
The Old Forge Hardware Co. in Herkimer County is a 113-year-old business that helped settle the Adirondack Park. Here, one can buy anything from a fly fishing tippet to a toilet. On a recent visit, though, it was a sign emblazoned with two giant footprints in the store’s front window that grabbed my attention above all else and wouldn’t let go.
“BELIEVE’’ it began. “Have you had an unusual encounter? Unexplainable footprints? Strange, unfamiliar sounds? Creature sightings? All incidents, no matter how small, are important!!!’’ The sign carried the logo of something called the Northern Sasquatch Research Society and said to call one Norman Heid. Hold on a minute. Are we talking Bigfoot? Right here in New York?
I’ve always been intrigued by the legend of 8-foot tall, bi-pedal apelike humanoid creatures inhabiting the woods. I’ve seen the famous 1967 Patterson-Gimlin 16 mm footage of a giant, hair-covered being walking in Northern California more times than the Zapruder film. I’m glued to every Bigfoot documentary aired on History or Animal Planet and yes, those “Messin’ with Sasquatch” beef jerky commercials ignite primal laughter.
Naturally, I had to call Norman Heid.
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