I need to talk to Graham before I go to bed, so I will probably wait until everyone else is up,and the postman has come and gone. However, there are lots of interesting bloggythings for you.
We start off in cracking fashion with a link to a competition where you can win a brace of tickets to see Hawkwind, Focus and various other stars of stage and screen at Clumber Park in the North of England next month. If it wasn't that it clashes with my own annual gig The Weird Weekend, I'd be tempted to go check it out.
Michael Des Barres is a cracking interviewee. I have interviewed him on a couple of occasions now, and he never fails to be interesting, amusing and thought-provoking. He also (like I think that I may have said before somewhere) has the knack of aying something new and interesting to each interviewer, rather than sounding like he is heartily sick of the whole publicity process as so many rock and roll stars sadly do. Today I am pleased to link to his last week's appearance on Blog Talk Radio..
Life gets confusing here at the Gonzo Daily. It has not been the best of weeks with a whole battery of family, health and computer issues with which to deal. But some things are a constant; Helen McCookerybook's prose can always bring a smile to my somewhat beleagured countenance. Which is why I am posting this excerpt from her must-read blog...
I don't usually mention politics in these hallowed pages. I know that the political views of our readers, and - indeed - those whom we write about are many and varied, and I also know that my politics which have essentially changed little since I first discovered Crass and their ilk some thirty years ago are hardly mainstream. But this story is heartwarming, is incontravertably rock and roll, and Brian May deserves our plaudits for his stand against the proposed badger cull. Well done mate - I owe you a beer!
Every day I post a witty digest of the Daily Gonzo stuff (the same thing that you can see on the Scoop-it page each day) to various Facebook groups and fora, and email out to those who ask for it (and some who don't). Six days I do them relatively sensibly, but on the 7th, for no particular reason I do them in bad verse. Why bad verse? That is simple. I am a lousy poet, and to be horribly honest I doubt whether my silly doggerel counts as poetry, but it amuses me, and it also amuses various Gonzofolk such as Erik Norlander, and the lovely Liz Lenten of Auburn. Now, Liz opened a real can of Pandora's boxlike worms the other week, because she sent me a poem in reply, and ever since then I make sure that there is a Lizstory every Sunday...
Somebody called 'Pondo' sent me this edition of Have I got News for You featuring the Caped Crusader himself. I'm not sure who 'Pondo' is. Actually, I haven't a clue who he is, but it seemed a damn good idea to post this jollity on a monday morning.
I hope that you will forgive me shamelessly plugging something of my own, but amongst the other things that I do, I am the editor of this rather fine UFO magazine. I was brought in a few months ago to mastermind the relaunch, and my first edition is now on sale through those jolly nice people at MagCloner. I am, actually rather proud of it!
And that, my dears, is that (for today at least). I was not well for most of last week, and you may have noticed that most of the Gonzo Daily was links to other people's stuff without the editorial smart-arse comments and asides which I enjoy so much. Thank you for putting up with me whilst my output was below par - it is jolly good to be back!
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