Well yesterday was a particularly pleasant day. We met a Pacific giant octopus, that plays with toys and inter-reacts with her keepers. I don't think I shall ever eat Kalimari again. We also went to a haunted WW2 airfield, and bought some interesting cheese. I need to get away more often.
However, I am back in harness today with some smashing bloggos:
The other day we started a new feature here on the Gonzo Daily. It is called 'Song by Song', and it does exactly what it says on the tin. Basically I go through an album song by song, and then pass my notes on to the artist who made the album in the first place, and see what they have to say. And now its is part three of my look at what I think will be one of the most important new albums of 2012 - Carnaby Street by Michael Des Barres.
It’s funny how certain bands develop quite a complex mythology despite having been quite well documented during their time in operation. One such band is Led Zeppelin. Bizarrely, two entirely different publications have emerged, both purporting to tell the story of Led Zeppelin's recording career, and both significantly different.
In a real Gonzo Daily exclusive, Michael Des Barres writes to explain the meaning behind his song 'You're my Pain Killer', which was the first track to be released from his album 'Carnaby Street' which is released next week.
A link to a Jon Anderson review which begins: "We saw Jon Anderson at the Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz a few Wednesdays ago. Great concert. For one thing, he’s an outgoing, positive, and compassionate person. The kind of person you want to spend time with". I think they like him.
A video link to an extract from one of Erik's new DVDs. The Astrology Suite live in Gettysburg (featuring the lovely Lana Lane)
A link to a review of the multi-talented Merrell Fankhauser, who really is one of the unsung heroes of American music. I am currently reading the autobiography of John 'Drumbo' French from Captain Beefheart and The Magic Band, and Merrell is all over it...
And that, boys and girls, is about it for today. I am massively hungry so while you read the Gonzo Daily, I am off to eat some of my new cheese.
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