Garth had bought this jackalope in the U.S. It now resides on the wall of my living room, surveying, er, the opposite wall and bookcase, much to the amusement of my friends. It is interesting to compare it to a jackalope I photographed in a restaurant in Dreifelder Weiher central Germany in May 2009 on the way with a team of about 12 others to survey butterflies in Hungary. The 3rd photo here shows this particular jackalope.
The jackalope is a supposed folklore animal, a “cros
1. R.Muirhead To Aggtelek, Hungary and Back (or, a cryptozoologist looks at butterfly behaviour) Amateur Naturalist and Exotic Petkeeper Issue 8 2010 p.46.
In Bavaria, they are called Wolpertinger. The German Hunting and Fishing Museum in Munich has dozens of them, including some with wings.
The animals are partially based upon reality. There is a version of the papilloma virus that causes hornlike tumors on rabbits.
BTW, all of those in the museum and all the jackalopes I've seen in the US have been contrived.
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