Half a century ago, Belgian Zoologist Bernard Heuvelmans first codified cryptozoology in his book On the Track of Unknown Animals.

The Centre for Fortean Zoology (CFZ) are still on the track, and have been since 1992. But as if chasing unknown animals wasn't enough, we are involved in education, conservation, and good old-fashioned natural history! We already have three journals, the largest cryptozoological publishing house in the world, CFZtv, and the largest cryptozoological conference in the English-speaking world, but in January 2009 someone suggested that we started a daily online magazine! The CFZ bloggo is a collaborative effort by a coalition of members, friends, and supporters of the CFZ, and covers all the subjects with which we deal, with a smattering of music, high strangeness and surreal humour to make up the mix.

It is edited by CFZ Director Jon Downes, and subbed by the lovely Lizzy Bitakara'mire (formerly Clancy), scourge of improper syntax. The daily newsblog is edited by Corinna Downes, head administratrix of the CFZ, and the indexing is done by Lee Canty and Kathy Imbriani. There is regular news from the CFZ Mystery Cat study group, and regular fortean bird news from 'The Watcher of the Skies'. Regular bloggers include Dr Karl Shuker, Dale Drinnon, Richard Muirhead and Richard Freeman.The CFZ bloggo is updated daily, and there's nothing quite like it anywhere else. Come and join us...

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Unlike some of our competitors we are not going to try and blackmail you into donating by saying that we won't continue if you don't. That would just be vulgar, but our lives, and those of the animals which we look after, would be a damn sight easier if we receive more donations to our fighting fund. Donate via Paypal today...

Sunday, August 09, 2009


The dog and I are the only ones awake. Graham was up most of the night and has managed to get my system limited connectivity, so I can still just about get online with the office computer. I can't print, I can only access my emails online, (and I seem to have lost an enormous trenche of them), and I am still discovering stuff that I have lost (if that isn't too much of an oxymoron).

I feel completely numb. Most of the work I have done for the last eight months is lost, and only time will tell whether I shall be able to replace it. David and I are going to PC World later on this morning to see if they can recover the data from the buggered drive.

I have my doubts.


Syd said...

You have my heart felt sympathy regarding the loss of data. It happened to me several months ago and I lost much valuable information. Fortunately a local computer firm (at a price) were able to recover quite a bit - around 75% - of the info lost when the hard drive went down.

The only advice I can offer, is that when you get things sorted out, BACK-UP everything you write, to disc.
DO NOT rely on one set of back-up discs / CDs / DVDs. Make multiple back-ups.
Keep at least one back-up copy of everything, somewhere other than your own address. Reason being that you never know in what form a disaster may strike ie. Fire, Lightning strike, Flood, etc.
Granted, it takes time to do all the back-ups and DVD / CD discs are not cheap but it is a damn sight easier and cheaper than loosing vital info.

Retrieverman said...

I can't imagine also having to prepare for a major event at the same time, which also relies upon this technology.

This is why I e-mail all of my important documents as attachments and use the USB jump drives regularly.