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Friday, March 28, 2014

JOURNAL: Herpetological Review 45(1)

From the ZenScientist News Blog 

Herpetological Review 45(1)
Posted by on in Journal Contents


  • Ahumada-Carrillo, Iván T., Oscar F. Reyna-Bustos and Carlos Vázquezs-Ruiz. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Ambystoma flavipiperatum (yellow-peppered salamander). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 85-86.
  • Al-Razi, Hassan and Md. Momin Mehedi Selim. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Zakerana pierrei (Pierre's cricket frog). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 88.
  • Alcantara, Edna P., Jandária S. Dos Santos, Antõnia Jany Mary G. Ferreira and Robson W. Ávila. 2014. Tropidurus hispidus (Peter's lava lizard) predation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 137-138. [ ednnapaulino@gmail.com]
  • Alvarado, Gilbert, Juan A. Morales and Federico Bolaños. 2014. Understanding patterns of amphibian chytrid fungus infection and chytridiomycosis through museum collections: maximizing sampling and minimizing damage on preserved specimens. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 28-31. [ gilbert.alvarado@ucr.ac.cr]
  • Anderson, Nils L., Cynthia A. Paszkowski and Glynnis A. Hood. 2014. Using decoys to estimate detection probability for anuran amphibians during visual encounter surveys. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 18-20. [ nilsa@ualberta.ca]
  • Bakkegard, Kristin A. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 94.
  • Banks, Chris, Russel Traher and Raelene Hobbs. 2014. Captive management and breeding of the stuttering frog (Mixophyes balbus) at Melbourne Zoo. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 43-49. [ cbanks@zoo.org.au]
  • Barragán-Ramírez, José Luis, José de Jesús Ascencio-Arrayga, Fidel Rodriguez-Ramírez and José Luis Navarrete-Heredia. 2014. Spea multiplicata (Mexican spadefoot) foraging site selection. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 115-116. [ barragan5478@yahoo.com.mx]
  • Bartolotti, Glenn L. and Kevin M. Enge. 2014. Cemophora coccinea coccinea (Florida scarletsnake) reproduction. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 141. [ kevin.enge@myfwc.com]
  • Basey, R. Terry. 2014. Lampropeltis zonata (California mountain kingsnake) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 144-145. [ rtbasey@hotmail.com]
  • Batista, Vinicius Guerra, Priscilla Guedes Gambale, Fabrício Hiroiuki Oda and Pedro Henrique Pereira Braga. 2014. Dendropsophus rubicundulus (Lagoa Santa treefrog) predation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 111. [ vinicius.guerra_@hotmail.com]
  • Beane, Jeffrey C. 2014. Coluber (=Masticophis) flagellum flagellum (eastern coachwhip) and Pituophis melanoleucus melanleucus (northern pinesnake) diet and predation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 142-143. [ jeff.beane@naturalsciences.org]
  • Beaudry, Philip and Gerlinde Höbel. 2014. Hyla cinerea (green treefrog) dorsal spots. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 111-112. [ pbeaudry@uwm.edu]
  • Beauvais, Thomas F. and Kraig Adler. 2014. Massasaugas, Michigan, and the American origins of snakebite therapy. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 74-76. [ catenatus@fastmail.fm]
  • Bender, Michael J. and Amanda L. J. Duffus. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Agkistrodon contortrix (copperhead). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 93.
  • Bender, Michael and Amanda L. J. Duffus. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Notophthalmus viridescens (eastern newt). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 86.
  • Bender, Michael J., Zachary Burke and Amanda L. J. Duffus. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Scincella lateralis (little brown skink). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 93.
  • Birkhead, Roger and Mark C. Benny. 2014. Anolis carolinensis (green anole) predation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 123-124. [ birkhrd@auburn.edu]
  • Blackburn, Melissa and Walter H. Smith. 2014. Aneides aeneus (green salamander) maximum size. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 108. [ mnb5v@uvawise.edu]
  • Bolick, Scott and Christopher Bolick. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Scaphiopus holbrooki (eastern spadefoot). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 88.
  • Borges, Jacqueline S., Danusy Lopes Santos and Fausto Nomura. 2014. Leptodeira annulata (banded cat-eyed snake) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 145. [ jacqueline_sb@hotmail.com]
  • Bovo, Rafael P., Lucas N. Bandeira and Thais H. Condez. 2014. Rhinella ornata predation by Leptodactylus latrans. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 115. [ rpbovo@yahoo.com.br]
  • Burchill, Jamie L. and Alvin Diamond. 2014. A herpetofaunal survey of Pike County, Alabama, USA. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 98-99. [ jburchill@troy.edu]
  • Burris, John and Andrew Hoffman. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Lithobates blairi (plains leopard frog). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 87.
  • Carbajal-Márquez, Rubén A., Zaira Y. González-Saucedo and J. Jesús Sigala-Rodriguez. 2014. Sceloporus torquatus (central plateau torquate lizard) aquatic escape behavior. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 134. [ redman031@hotmail.com]
  • Carreira, Santiago. 2014. Rhaebo guttatus (Amazonian toad) malformations. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 115. [ carreira@fcien.edu.uy]
  • Carvalho, Vinicius T., Rafael de Fraga, André Luiz Ferreira da Silva, Richard C. Vogt and Marcelo Gordo. 2014. Plica umbra (blue-lipped tree lizard) spine and tail anomaly. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 132-133. [ viniciustc@ig.com.br]
  • Casper, Gary S. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Diadophus punctatus edwardsii (northern ring-necked snake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 94.
  • Ceglady, Kerry L. and Ken A. Ceglady. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Ramphotyphlops braminus (Brahminy blindsnake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 96.
  • Chuaynkern, Yodchaiy, Chantip Chuaynkern, Jirachai Arkajag, Staphon Tongpun and Prateep Duengkae. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Tropidophorus thai (Thai water skink). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 93.
  • Cohen, Henry. 2014. Lampropeltis holbrooki (speckled kingsnake) longevity. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 61. [ hencoherp@aol.com]
  • Cohen, Henry. 2014. Lampropeltis knoblochi (Knobloch's mountain kingsnake) longevity. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 61. [ hencoherp@aol.com]
  • Connior, Matthew B. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Virginia striatula (rough earthsnake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 97.
  • Costa, Renan Nunes and Fausto Nomura. 2014. Pseudopaludicola mystacalis (Cope's swamp frog) predation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 114-115. [ renan.nunes.costa@gmail.com]
  • Costa-Campos, Carlos E. and Andréa S. Araújo. 2014. Anilius scytale (red pipesnake) predation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 139. [ eduardocampos@unifap.br]
  • Currylow, Andrea F. T., Mbolatiana Ranaivoharivelo and Edward E. Louis, Jr. 2014. Astrochelys radiata (radiated tortoise) nest predation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 116-117. [ a.currylow@gmail.com]
  • da Rocha-Santos, Gilson and Eder Barbier. 2014. Boa constrictor (boa constrictor) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 140. [ gilsonsantos.bio@gmail.com]
  • Das, Indraneil, Andrew Alek Tuen, Pui Yong Min and Ong Jia Jet. 2014. The Bornean frog race: Raising conservation awareness on amphibians of Sarawak and Malaysia. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 66-73. [ idas@ibec.unimas.my]
  • Davis, Jeffrey G. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Diadophus punctatus edwardsii (northern ring-necked snake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 94.
  • Davis, Drew R., Spencer R. Siddons and Jacob L. Kerby. 2014. New amphibian and reptile county records from eastern Nebraska, USA. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 99-100. [ drew.davis@usd.edu]
  • Debrot, Adolphe O. and Erik Boman. 2014. Iguana delicatissima (Lesser Antillean iguana) mortality. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 129. [ dolfi.debrot@wur.nl]
  • Debrot, Adolphe O., Erik Boman, Steve Piontek and Hannah Madden. 2014. Iguana delicatissima (Lesser Antillean iguana) reproduction. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 129-130. [ dolfi.debrot@wur.nl]
  • DeGregorio, Brett A. and Jinelle H. Sperry. 2014. Coluber constrictor (North American racer) mortality. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 142. [ bdegrego@illinois.edu]
  • DeGregorio, Brett A., Sara R. Wendt, Patrick J. Weatherhead and Jinelle H. Sperry. 2014. Pantherophis alleghaniensis (eastern ratsnake) diet and foraging behavior. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 146. [ bdegrego@illinois.edu]
  • Diaz, Luis M., Sixto J. Incháustegui and Cristian Marte. 2014. Preliminary experiences with the husbandry, captive breeding, and development of the Hispaniolan yellow tree frog, Osteopilus pulchrilineatus (Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae), with ecological and ethological notes from the wild. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 52-59. [ luisfromcuba@yahoo.es]
  • Duffus, Amanda L. J., Tiffany M. Ward and Gregory D. Hartman. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Apalone spinifera (spiny softshell). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 88.
  • Duffus, Amanda L. J., Natalie B. Hays, Tiffany M. Ward and Michael J. Bender. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Chrysemys geographica (northern map turtle). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 90.
  • Duffus, Amanda L. J., Zachary Burke and Gregory D. Hartman. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Chrysemys picta (painted turtle). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 90.
  • Duffus, Amanda L. J., Ashley Dean, Michael J. Bender and Austin Dean. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Diadophus punctatus (ring-necked snake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 94.
  • Duffus, Amanda L. J., Ashley Dean and Austin Dean. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean gecko). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 92.
  • Duffus, Amanda L. J., Natalie B. Hays and Gregory D. Hartman. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Lithobates catesbeianus (American bullfrog). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 87.
  • Duffus, Amanda L. J., Ashley Dean, Austin Dean and Michael J. Bender. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Lithobates sphenocephalus (southern leopard frog). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 88.
  • Duffus, Amanda L. J., Natalie B. Hays and Gregory D. Hartman. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Plestiodon fasciatus (common five-lined skink). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 92.
  • Duffus, Amanda L. J., Tiffany M. Ward and Michael J. Bender. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Pseudemys concinna floridana (coastal plain cooter). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 90.
  • Duffus, Amanda L. J., Sara Croft and Gregory D. Hartman. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Storeria dekayi (Dekay's brownsnake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 97.
  • Ellis, Ryan J. and J. Sean Doody. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Eremiascincus isolepis (northern bar-lipped skink). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 91-92.
  • Elsey, Ruth M., Ryan King, James C. Nifong and Michael G. Frick. 2014. Alligator mississippiensis (American alligator) epibiosis. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 118-119. [ relsey@wlf.la.gov]
  • Elsey, Ruth M., Ryan King, Kevin Gribbins, David E. Like and Valentine Lance. 2014. Alligator mississippiensis (American alligator) large presumptive female: a case of mistaken identity. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 119-120. [ relsey@wlf.la.gov]
  • Farr, William L. 2014. Hemidactylus turcicus, 15 new county records from southeast Texas, USA. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 101-102. [ williamfarr@sbcglobal.net]
  • Farr, William L. and Jerry Caraviotis. 2014. Nerodia rhombifer (diamond-backed watersnake) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 145-146. [ williamfarr@sbcglobal.net]
  • Fenolio, Danté B., Thomas A. Gorman, Kelly C. Jones, Mark Mandica, Leslie Phillips, Lauren Melde, Harold Mitchell and Carola A. Haas. 2014. Rearing the federally endangered reticulated flatwoods salamander, Ambystoma bishopi, from eggs through metamorphosisq. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 62-65. [ dantefenolio@sazoo.org]
  • Fernandes, Vitória, Felipe Magalhães and Thiago C. S. O. Pereira. 2014. Pseudopaludicola mystacalis coloration. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 114. [ vivinunes@msn.com]
  • Flaherty, James P., Michael C. Fulbright, Shawn P. Settle, Aaron T. Ross and C. M. Gienger. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Agkistrodon contortrix (copperhead). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 93.
  • Flaherty, James P., Michael C. Fulbright and C. M. Gienger. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Chrysemys dorsalis (southern painted turtle). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 89.
  • Flaherty, James P., Michael C. Fulbright and C. M. Gienger. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Coluber constrictor (North American racer). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 94.
  • Flaherty, James P., Michael C. Fulbright and C. M. Gienger. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Pseudemys concinna (river cooter). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 90.
  • Flores, Eric Enrique, Leesther Vasquez, Milagros Goonzález, Katherine Rodriguez and Joelbin De La Cruz. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Anadia ocellata (ocellated anadia). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 91.
  • Fulbright, Michael C., James P. Flaherty and C. M. Gienger. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Acris crepitans (eastern cricket frog). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 86.
  • Fulbright, Michael C., James P. Flaherty, C. M. Gienger and Jon MacGregor. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Lithobates blairi (plains leopard frog). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 87.
  • Fulbright, Michael C., James P. Flaherty and C. M. Gienger. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Plestiodon laticeps (broad-headed skink). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 92-93.
  • Fulton, Jennifer N., Maddison Couch and Walter H. Wmith. 2014. New geographic distribution records for herpetofauna in southwest Virginia, USA. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 105-106. [ whs2q@uvawise.edu]
  • Furtado, Mayara F. M., Carlos E. Costa-Campos, Suelique Queiroz and Raimundo N. P. Souto. 2014. Pseudis laevis (Guyana harlequin frog) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 114. [ mayarafabiana@gmail.com]
  • García, Ernesto Raya. 2014. Phrynosoma asio (giant horned lizard) predation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 131-132. [ tuataraya@hotmail.com]
  • Gatica-Colima, Ana, Eduardo F. Macias-Rodríguez and Ricardo Paredes-León. 2014. Crotalus viridis viridis (prairie rattlesnake) ectoparasites. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 143-144. [ agatica@uacj.mx]
  • Geiger, Ryan Duran, Nikolas Duran Geiger and Julie M. Ray. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Ninia sebae (culebrilla del cafe; coffee snake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 95.
  • Glaudas, Xavier and Graham Alexander. 2014. Bitis arietans (puff adder) foraging behavior. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 139-140. [ xavier.glaudas@wit.ac.za]
  • Goldberg, Stephen R. and L. Lee Grismer. 2014. Acanthosaura armata (peninsular horned tree lizard) reproduction. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 122-123. [ sgoldberg@whittier.edu]
  • Goldberg, Stephen R. and L. Lee Grismer. 2014. Acanthosaura cardamomensis reproduction. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 123. [ sgoldberg@whittier.edu]
  • Goldberg, Stephen R. and L. Lee Grismer. 2014. Aphaniotus fusca (dusky earless agama) reproductin. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 124. [ sgoldberg@whittier.edu]
  • Goldberg, Stephen R., Clark R. Mahrdt and Kent R. Beaman. 2014. Chilomeniscus stramineus (variable sandsnake) reproduction. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 141. [ sgoldberg@whittier.edu]
  • Goldberg, Stephen R., Charles R. Bursey, Gerrut Norval, Jeanette Arreola and Jean-Jay Moa. 2014. Eutropis longicaudata (long-tailed sun skink) endoparasites. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 127-128. [ sgoldberg@whittier.edu]
  • Goldberg, Stephen R., Charles R. Bursey, L. Lee Grismer and Jeanette Arrelola. 2014. Hemidactylus craspedotus (frilly house gecko) endoparasites. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 128-129. [ sgoldberg@whittier.edu]
  • Goldberg, Stephen R. and L. Lee Grismer. 2014. Leiolepis guttata (spotted butterfly lizard) reproduction. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 130. [ sgoldberg@whittier.edu]
  • Goldberg, Stephen R., Charles R. Bursey, Laurie J. Vitt and Jeanette Arreola. 2014. Phyllodactylus martini (Dutch leaf-toed gecko) endoparasites. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 132. [ sgoldberg@whittier.edu]
  • Goldberg, Stephen R. 2014. Sceloporus zosteromus (Baja spiny lizard) reproduction. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 135. [ sgoldberg@whittier.edu]
  • Goldberg, Stephen R. and L. Lee Grismer. 2014. Sphenomorphus praesignus (blotched forest skink) reproduction. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 135. [ sgoldberg@whittier.edu]
  • Goldberg, Stephen R. and Charles R. Bursey. 2014. Stenodactylus sthenodactylus (elegant gecko) cestode endoparasites. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 135-136. [ sgoldberg@whittier.edu]
  • Goldberg, Stephen R. 2014. Stenodactylus sthenodactylus (elegant gecko) reproduction. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 136-137. [ sgoldberg@whittier.edu]
  • Goldberg, Stephen R. and Erez Maza. 2014. Trachylepis vittata (bridled mabuya) reproduction. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 137. [ sgoldberg@whittier.edu]
  • González-Durán, Gustavo A. and Sergio Escobar-Lasso. 2014. Leptodactylus insularium (San Miguel Island frog) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 113-114. [ gustavo.gonzalezdu@gmail.com]
  • González-Saucedo, Zaira Yaneth and Rubén Alonso Carbajal-Márquez. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Masticophis (=Coluber) taeniatus (striped whipsnake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 95.
  • Gray, Brian S. 2014. Storeria dekayi (Dekay's brownsnake) cold tolerance. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 148. [ brachystoma@hotmail.com]
  • Groves, John D. and Lori A. Williams. 2014. Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis (eastern hellbender) cannibalism. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 108-109. [ john.groves@nczoo.org]
  • Hanlon, S. M., D. Smith, J. L. Kerby, M. J. Parris and J. E. Moore. 2014. Detection of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infections in amphibian populations at Edward J. Meeman Biological Field Station, Tennessee, USA. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 32-34. [ hanloc2107@gmail.com]
  • Hanlon, S. M., D. Smith, J. L. Kerby, E. Berg, W. Peterson, M. J. parris and J. E. Moore. 2014. Occurrence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas, USA. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 31-32. [ hanloc2107@gmail.com]
  • Hecnar, Stephen J. 2014. Book Review: Frogs of the United States and Canada (Volumes 1 & 2). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 179-182. [ shecnar@lakeheadu.ca]
  • Hedrick, Alicia R. and John O. Cossel, Jr. 2014. Limb malformations of the critically endangered stream-breeding frog Isthmohyla rivularis in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve, Costa Rica. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 5-8. [ jocossel@nnu.edu]
  • Henríquez, Vladlen and Eli Greenbaum. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Hyalinobratrachium fleischmanni (Fleischmann's glass frog). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 87.
  • Hernández-Ruz, Emil José, Joyce Celerino De Carvalho and Elciomar Araujo de Oliveira. 2014. Chatogecko amazonicus predation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 126. [ emilhjh@yahoo.com]
  • Hobbs, Raelene. 2014. Mixophyes balbus (stuttering frogs) larval duration. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 60. [ rhobbs@zoo.org.au]
  • Hoffman, Andrew and Sierra Shepard. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Apalone spinifera (spiny softshell). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 88-89.
  • Hoffman, Andrew, Michael Lodato and Todd Pierson. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Desmognathus fuscus (northern dusky salamander). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 86.
  • Hoffman, Andrew and Sierra Shepard. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Lithobates clamitans (green frog). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 87.
  • Hoffman, Andrew and Sierra Shepard. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Lithobates palustris (pickerel frog). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 87-88.
  • Hopkins, Terry. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 94-95.
  • Hopkins, Terry. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Lampropeltis triangulum (millksnake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 95.
  • Hopkins, Terry. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Trachemys scripta (pond slider). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 91.
  • Hughes, Daniel F. and Pablo R. Delis. 2014. Cnemidophorus murinis murinis (Laurent's whiptail) myiasis. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 126-127. [ dh1179@ship.edu]
  • Igleski, Matthew J. and Kirsten E. Nicholson. 2014. Spatial pattern of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection in green frogs (Lithobates clamitans) in Michigan, USA. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 34-40. [ norops@gmail.com]
  • Ishimatsu, Marisa and Timothy Warfel. 2014. Crotalus willardi amabilis (Del Nido ridge-nosed rattlesnake) maximum elevation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 144. [ marisa.ishimatsu@gmail.com]
  • Iverson, John B. 2014. Rhinoclemmys melanosterna (Colombian wood turtle) longevity. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 60. [ johni@earlham.edu]
  • Krochmal, Aaron R. and Gerard T. Salmon. 2014. Pituophis catenifer sayi (bullsnake) scavenging. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 146-147. [ akrochmal2@washcoll.edu]
  • Legorreta-Balbuena, Gerardo, Gabriel Gutiérrez-Ospina, Irma Villalpando Fierro and Gabriela Parra-Olea. 2014. Ambystoma rivulare (Toluca siredon) reproduction. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 107-108. [ glegorreta@biomedicas.unam.mx]
  • Lennon, Corissa, Stephen P. Hudman and Chad E. Montgomery. 2014. Assessment of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection level in amphibians of Wakonda State Park, Missouri, USA. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 40. [ chadmont@truman.edu]
  • Lipps, Greg, Jr. and Jeffrey G. Davis. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Regina septemvittata (queensnake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 96.
  • Lisboa, Barnagleison Silva, Miriam Camargo Guarnieri and Tamí Mott. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Gastrotheca pulchra (marsupial treefrog). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 86-87.
  • Mageski, Marcio, André Falcão and Rodrigo Barbosa Gerreira. 2014. Hypsiboas semilineatus (Perereca semilineada) bromeliad associate. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 112-113. [ marcioherpetologia@gmail.com]
  • Mali, Ivana and Michael R. J. Forstner. 2014. Use of stationary microchip reader for monitoring interpond movement of freshwater turtles. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 22-25. [ im1040@txstate.edu]
  • Mallet-Rodrigues, Francisco and Maria Luís Marinho de Noronha. 2014. Chironius foveatus (South American sipo) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 141-142. [ fmallet@bol.com.br]
  • Mann, Roger and Angel Shepard. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Virginia valeriae (smooth earthsnake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 97.
  • Martins, Fernando Ibanez, José Luiz Massao M. Sugai, Breno Franco Leonel and Sabine Borges Da Rocha. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Rhinella azarai (Azara's granulated toad). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 88.
  • McCardle, Logan D., Anthony Haase and Clifford L. Fontenot, Jr. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Nerodia clarkii (gulf salt marsh snake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 95.
  • McCranie, James R. and Sofia Nuñez. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Anolis sagrei (brown anole; abaniquillo costero). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 91.
  • McFadden, Michael and Terry Boylan. 2014. Boiga irregularis (brown tree snake) captive reproduction and longevity. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 60-61. [ mmcfadden@zoo.nsw.gov.au]
  • McKelvy, Alexander D. and Alex Figureoa. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Pituophis melanoleucus (pinesnake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 96.
  • Mendyk, Robert W. 2014. The herpetological contributions on William Beebe: Naturalist, explorer, and father of neotropical ecology. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 76-84. [ odatriad@yahoo.com]
  • Mitchell, Joseph C. 2014. Pseudemys rubriventris (northern red-bellied cooter) boat propeller mortality. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 117. [ dr.joe.mitchell@gmail.com]
  • Mondelli, Megan, Jon M. Davenport and Winsor H. Lowe. 2014. Gyrinophilus porphyriticus (spring salamander) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 109-110. [ mmondelli25@gmail.com]
  • Munes, Ryan J. and Drew R. Davis. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Apalone mutica (smooth softshell). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 88.Munscher, Eric C., Daniel Barrett, David Rogers, Eleanor A. Havens and Roxanne A. Losey. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Chrysemys picta (painted turtle). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 89-90.
  • Munscher, Eric C. and Adrian Barcas. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Terrapene carolina triunguis (three-toed box turtle). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 90.
  • Murphy, James B. 2014. Studies on venomous reptiles in zoos and aquariums. Part I. Introduction, rear-fanged colubrid snakes, elapids, sea kraits and seasnakes. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 158-178. [ murphyj@si.edu]
  • Newman, Jillian C., Travis R. Robbins and Sean P. Graham. 2014. Sceloporus undulatus (eastern fence lizard) envenomation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 134-135. [ newman.ji@husky.neu.edu]
  • Nowak, Erika M., Valerie L. Boyarski, Scott D. Nichols and Thomas Greene. 2014. Thamnophis eques megalops (Northern Mexican gartersnake) maternal transmission of endoparasites. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 148-149. [ erika.nowak@nau.edu]
  •    O'Donnell, Ryan P. and Andrew M. Durson. 2014. Harnessing the power of a global network of citizen herpetologists by improving citizen science databases. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 151-157. [ ryan.odonnell@usu.edu]                   
  • Oyervides, Mayra and Frederic Zaidan, III. 2014. Thamnophis proximus orarius (Gulf Coast ribbonsnake) reproduction. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 149. [ mgoyervides@bronce.utpa.edu]
  • Palis, John G. 2014. Nerodia rhombifer (diamond-backed watersnake) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 146. [ jpalis@yahoo.com]
  • Passos, Daniel Cunha, Luan Tavares Pinheiro, Conrado Aleksander Barbosa Galdino and Carlos Frederico Duarte Rocha. 2014. Tropidurus semitaeniatus (Calango de Lagedo) tail bifurcation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 138. [ biologodanielpassos@gmail.com]
  • Pheasey, Helen, Paul Smith, Jean-Paul Brouard and Karina Atkinson. 2014. Vanzosaura rubricauda (red-tailed vanzosaur) bifurcation and trifurcation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 138-139. [ helenpheasey@gmail.com]
  • Pierson, Todd W., Kevin Stohlgren, Timothy Herman, Justin Oguni and Brad Wilson. 2014. Urspelerpes brucei (patch-nosed salamander) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 110-111. [ twpierso@uga.edu]
  • Platt, STeven G., Cherie Chenot-Rose, Vincent Rose and Thomas R. Rainwater. 2014. Crocodylus acutus (American crocodile) frugivory. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 120-121. [ sgplatt@gmail.com]
  • Pojman, John A., Sr., John A. Pojman, Jr. and Clifford L. Fontenot, Jr. 2014. Use of clove oil as an anesthetic for PIT tagging and surgery with the three-toed amphiuma (Amphiuma tridactylum) and determination of recovery time as a function of body mass. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 25-27. [ john@pojman.com]
  • Prosdocimi, Laura, Ignacio Bruno, Lucrecia Diaz, Victoria González Carman, Diego A. Albareda and Maria I. Remis. 2014. Southernmost reports of the hawksbill sea turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata, in temperate waters of Argentina and evidence of a hybrid origin supported by mitochondrial DNA analysis. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 1-5. [ lprosdo@yahoo.com.ar]
  • Ray, Julie M. and Pablo Santana. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Urotheca fulviceps (red-headed glasstail). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 97.
  • Reynolds, Robert P., James F. Whatton and Christina A. Gebhard. 2014. Aspidoscelis deppii (black-bellied racerunner) predation by great egrets. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 124-125. [ reynolds@si.edu]
  • Reynolds, Robert P. and Christina A. Gebhard. 2014. Aspidoscelis deppii (black-bellied racerunner) predation by turkey vulture. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 124. [ reynolds@si.edu]
  • Reynolds, Robert P., James F. Whatton and Christina A. Gebhard. 2014. Gymnophthalmus speciosus (golden spectacled tegu) predation by great egret. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 128. [ reynolds@si.edu]
  • Roberto, Igor Joventino and Ciro Ginez Albano. 2014. Paleosuchus palpebrosus (Cuvier's smooth-fronted caiman). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 121-122. [ igorjoventino@yahoo.com]
  • Rocha, Arturo, Vicente Mata-Silva and Jerry D. Johnson. 2014. Bogertophis subocularis (Trans-Pecos ratsnake) maximum movement. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 140. [ turyrocha@yahoo.com]
  • Rodrigues, João Fabrício Mota, Castiele Holanda Bezerra and Iara Reinaldo Coriolano. 2014. Boa constrictor (boa constrictor) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 140. [ fabriciorodrigues303@gmail.com]
  • Roussos, Stephanos A. and Llewellyn D. Densmore, III. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Chalcides ocellatus (ocellated skink). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 91.
  • Rush, E. Marie and Robert W. Henderson. 2014. Corallus grenadensis (Grenada bank treeboa) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 143. [ zuvet9@yahoo.com]
  • Sanchez-De La Vega, Guillermo, Vicente Mata-Silva and Antonio García-Mendez. 2014. Sceloporus siniferus (long-tailed spiny lizard) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 133-134. [ guillermo_sdv@zicatela.umar.mx]
  • Santoyo-Brito, Enrique, Stanley Fox and Herman Núñez. 2014. Liolaemus bellii (dusky lizard) predation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 130-131. [ enrique.s.brito@okstate.edu]
  • Selman, Will, Ryan King, Benjamin Stultz, Dane Cassady, Amy Magro, Todd Credeur and Jon J. Wiebe. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Chelonia mydas (green sea turtle). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 89.
  • Selman, Will. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Macrochelys temminckii (alligator snapping turtle). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 90.
  • Shedd, Jackson D. 2014. Book Review: Lizards of the American Southwest: A Photographic Field Guide. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 182-184. [ jackson.shedd@gmail.com]
  • Sigafus, B. H., C. R. Schwalbe, B. R. Hossack and E. Muths. 2014. Prevalence of the amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona, USA. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 41-42. [ bsigafus@usgs.gov]
  • Silva, Cristiana F., Edna P. Alcantara, Samuel C. Ribeiro and Robson W. Ávila. 2014. Polychrus acutirostris (Brazilian bush anole) predation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 133. [ cristianasilva46@yahoo.com.br]
  • Silveira, Adriano Lima. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Apostolepis flavotorquata. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 94.
  • Silveira, Adriano Lima. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Micrurus brasiliensis. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 95.
  • Silveira, Adriano Lima. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Paraphimophis rusticus. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 96.
  • Silveira, Adriano Lima. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Rodriguesophus iglesiasi. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 96.
  • Smyers, Scott D., Andrew A. McKenna-Foster and Jonathan D. Shuster. 2014. Quantification of color pattern variation in the common gartersnake (Thamnophis sirtalis) from two coastal islands and mainland Massachusetts, USA. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 8-12. [ smyers@oxbowassociates.com]
  • Souza, Naziel Santos and Carlos Eduardo Costa Campos. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Tropidurus hispidus (Peters' lava lizard). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 93.
  • Sparreboom, Max. 2014. Book Review: Salamanders and Newts of the World Vol. 1: Salamanders and Newts of Europe, North Africa and Western Asia. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 184-185. [ m-c-sparreboom@hetnet.nl]
  • Stevenson, Dirk J., John B. Jensen, Phillip G. Frank, Jr., Warren Bond, Jr., Daniel Duff, Matt Moore, Kerry Nelson, Justin Oguni, Robert Preston, Jr., Micah Riddle, Frankie Snow and Kevin M. Stohlgren. 2014. New county records for amphibians and reptiles of Georgia, USA. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 102-104. [ dstevenson@oriannesociety.org]
  • Streicher, Jeffrey W. and Matthew K. Fujita. 2014. Observations on the captive maintenance and reproduction of the Balcones barking frog, Craugastor augusti latrans. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 49-51. [ streicher@email.arizona.edu]
  • Sullivan, Keith and Hunter McCall. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Urosaurus graciosus (long-tailed brush lizard). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 93.
  • Swanson, Christian L., Romey L. Swanson and J. Eric Lee. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Anolis sagrei (brown anole). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 91.
  • Swartwout, Meredith C., Robin Andrews and Donald Linzey. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean gecko). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 92.
  • Sy, Emerson Y. and John Alaban. 2014. Hemidactylus platyurus (flat-tailed house gecko) predation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 129. [ emersonsy@gmail.com]
  • Tavares, Ana Paula Gomes and Leonardo Barros Ribeiro. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Leposternon polystegum (Bahia worm lizard). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 92.
  • Thawley, Christopher J. 2014. Coluber constrictor (North American racer) egg predation. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 142. [ cthawley@gmail.com]
  • Thomas, John J. and Gerlinde Höbel. 2014. Hyla versicolor (eastern gray treefrog) lacrimal spot. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 112. [ jjthomas@uwm.edu]
  • Valdez-Villavicencio, Jorge H. and Anny Peralta-Garcia. 2014. Aneides lugubris (arboreal salamander) leucism. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 108. [ j_h_valdez@yahoo.com.mx]
  • Van Devender, Thomas R. and Peter Holm. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Sonora aemula (file-tailed ground snake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 96.
  • Van Devender, Thomas R., Roberto Hernández-Jimenez and Hugo Silva-Kurumiya. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Sonora aemula (file-tailed ground snake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 96-97.
  • Van Winkel, Dylan and Ji Weihong. 2014. Attaching radio-transmitters to geckos: trials and tribulations. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 13-17. [ dylan.vanwinkel@hotmail.com]
  • Vásquez-Almazán, Carlos R., Timothy A. Herman and Erick R. López. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Economiohyla minera (Guatemala treefrog). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 86.
  • Vecchiet, Jay A., Julie M. Ray, James L. Knight and Jon Wedow. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Dipsus articulata (red-striped thirst snake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 94.
  • Walker, James M., James E. Cordes, Stanley E. Trauth and Mark A. Paulissen. 2014. Aspidoscelis laredoensis (Larego striped whiptail) x Aspidoscelis gularis (Texas spotted whiptail) maximum body size. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 125-126. [ jmwalker@uark.edu]
  • Ward, Robert J. 2014. Book Review: Amphibians and Reptiles (Naturalist's Handbooks 31). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 185-186. [ rjw53@kent.ac.uk]
  • Weber, Andrew S. and James B. Layzer. 2014. Chelydra serpentina (snapping turtle) interspecific basking. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 117. [ andrewsweber1@gmail.com]
  • Welchert, Darrin M. and Mark S. Mills. 2014. Sistrurus catenatus tergeminus (western massasauga) reproduction. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 147-148. [ darrin_welchert@fws.gov]
  • Williams, Lori A., Charles R. Lawson, Dorothy C. Brown, Danielle M Bouchonnet, Gabriella Dancourt and Jeffrey C. Beane. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Ambystoma opacum (marbled salamander). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 86.
  • Williams, Jennie, Betsey Battistella and Sean P. Graham. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata (northern red-bellied snake). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 97.
  • Williams, S. Tyler, Sylvia D. Powell, Thomas A. Gorman and Carola A. Haas. 2014. Pioneering the utility of a mineral oil mixture for fluorescent powder tracking of salamanders. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 20-22. [ tylerwil@vt.edu]
  • Wilson, Christopher R. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Ambystoma talpoidium (mole salamander). Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 86.
  • Xanten, William A. 2014. Python reticulatus (reticulated python) diet. Herpetological Review. 45 (1): 147. [ fennec01@comcast.net]


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What has Corinna's column of fortean bird news got to do with Cryptozoology?

Well, everything actually!

In an article for the first edition of Cryptozoology Bernard Heuvelmans wrote that cryptozoology is the study of 'unexpected animals' and following on from that perfectly reasonable assertion, it seems to us that whereas the study of out-of-place birds may not have the glamour of the hunt for bigfoot or lake monsters, it is still a perfectly valid area for the Fortean zoologist to be interested in. 

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