Friday, September 19, 2008

September song

I inherited a lot from my mother. I inheites my love for books, my desire to write books, my love of the natural world, and even a modicum of her explorer's instinct. But I also inherited the bad things: I am a trifle corpulent - no, don't deny it... I have a fondness for the grape and the grain, and I have a tendency to succumb to every head cold going. In this concern I am not as bad as my mum, who would have a cold continually from October to April, but mine are bad enough and I have one or two a year. One of the weirder things is, that although a couple of years ago my colds would last for a couple of weeks, now they only last for two or three days, but while they do they are horrible.

So I have been in bed, being a trial to my nearest and dearest, and feeling appaling (and probably acting and looking worse). But now I am able to sit up and do stuff, even though I am still as weak as a kitten.

Redders wrote: His missus is still unwell, but seems to be a little better - more news when I have it. No more news on Doc, and the administrative problems to which I alluded seem to be retreating somewhat........

Still, September ain't much fun so far....


  1. Hope it improves for you, Jon.

  2. The theory goes that the older you get, the more colds your immune system has seen and the less likely you are to see a new one.

    However, at the age of 37, I still get at least a cold a year, usually to do with the annual bio-assault that is university Freshers' Flu.

    Basically, around this time of year, lots of young, fresh-faced things go to university for the first time, and learn all about things like meals, acquiring without assistance of parents and alcohol, no you cannot get drunk every night and survive intact. A few arrive with colds, and the nastiest, most virulent of these spread through the student population to emerge triumphant as super-colds, infecting us poor staff along the way.

    Short of a biohazard suit there's no avoiding the things, and I unhappily expect to be sniffling away with the best of 'em in a few weeks time.
