Friday, September 19, 2008

Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear

I have used this blog, on a number of occasions, to tell the universe that I particularly like a new record or book by someone. This is the first time that I have ever used this blog, which is essentially meant as a way to talk about cryptozoology and my other activities animalwise, to tell the world quite how appalled I am.

Yes, I admit it. There are some albums by Queen in my voluminous music collection. I am particularly fond of the first four albums, but some of the later ones also have their moments. I also have several albums by Free although I always thought Bad Company were pants.

Can you see where this is going?

When it was announced that Free singer Paul Rogers (OK I didn't like anything else he did post-Free) had teamed up with Messrs Meddows-Taylor and May I was mildly intrigued. Paul Rogers at his best was an incredibly soulful rock singer, and had one of the bext voices in late 60s/early 70s music. So I downloaded some live stuff they did.

It was terrible.

I should, I suppose, have been prepared for this by the fact that ex-bassist John Deacon, who was by far the most self-effacing member of the band, had refused to have anything to do with the project.

It turned out that a dear friend of mine (who shall remain nameless cos I won't out him) went to see them live. They were, apparently, dreadful.

So I played some tracks to Richard Freeman.

"What is this shit?" he said

But still, fond as I am of Wishing Well and My Brother Jake, I insisted to all my friends that once the album - with new material that had not been penned for Fred to sing came out, the band would be vindicated. I was sure it would all be alright in the end.

Well it ain't.

This is the nastiest, most cynical, vile piece of capitalist shit that I have ever heard. It is almost pornographic in its insincerity. It sounds great - but then again it would. The lyrics are banal and childish, and the whole thing is executed about as well as a saturday night pub band. There can be no reason for this album to have been made apart from to make three rich men richer.



  1. Personally,I think it's abit like the Beatles reforming with Robbie Williams on vocals! A disgrace!

  2. Queen?! Free?! Oh dear, oh dear...

    They should have offered the job to Jimmy Pursey or Mensi.

  3. Would have been more entertaining if they'd dug Freddie back up!

  4. I'm currently watching the Weird Weekend vids on CFZTV. Sorry to hear that Tony "Doc" Shiels is not well right now. Blessings and healing powers be upon him.

  5. Not surprising about Rich's comments - he would say the same about any Queen album.... ;-)
    But yes, it is a pile of rotting pants. Rogers sang with Queen a few years back, and did a pretty good job - his voice still holds up. But although i have only heard 30 seconds of the new material, it is enough to put me off listening to any more. Jon - I heartily agreee with your comments, and they needed to be said!
    Power to the Rock!
