Saturday, April 13, 2013


Sheri Myler, our student who is doing a series of placements with us over the next year or so is back for her second stint. Once again, I am putting her to work and she will be blogging each day about her time here...

My last full day at the CFZ began with me doing quite a bit of the Eberhart book on my own as, for some reason, it wasn’t working properly on Jon’s computer. So, he got on with other things instead and even had a nap, as he wasn’t feeling well. We were eventually able to get it to work on Jon’s computer so started putting pictures in then.

A little later, Helen, Jess and Matt came bearing gifts. They had rescued six newts from the pond that they are getting rid of and brought them round for Jon to put into the pond that he’s building.

Also, they witnessed one of the cats attacking a mouse in the garden. They rescued that as well. We kept it inside until it was no longer in shock, but when it was released again, it didn’t run off, so it had to be brought back inside. Another mouse was later seen scurrying under a chair.

As this was to be the last cat hunt of my trip, we decided to make it extra long. Despite this, it was the least eventful. We did accidentally find ourselves in Cornwall again, and the mist and bald trees did give the atmosphere a spooky quality. But, alas, the most wildlife we saw was a single moth. It was still a nice drive though. 

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