Monday, February 08, 2010


Apologies to Dale Drinnon, Ivan Mackerle and Richard Freeman. You have both given me excellent picture-heavy blogs, which I am looking forward to posting. However, there are bloody computer problems again and I can't post anything image intensive for a few days. Sorry about that....

However, it almost passed without comment, but yesterday we posted our 3000th bloggo post on the main CFZ Blog. Haven't we done well? (Where is Bruce Forsyth when you need him?)


  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I've said this before and I'll say it again: download a copy of Knoppix Linux from here:
    and burn this onto a CD or DVD.

    When next your PC suffers from virus-induced failure, boot it up with the Knoppix CD. It is next to impossible to install Linux onto a machine from a Knoppix CD; all this will do is give you a vaguely Windows-like environment in which to work, loaded solely off the CD. You can access local hard disks from it, and external drives, and if you know your blogger passwords etc. you can post things and do pretty much everything that you can do on Windows.

    It ain't a complete replacement for Windows since it lacks support for a lot of Windows-only stuff, but then again in over a decade of using it, I've yet to see a Linux box with a virus on it.

  2. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Gah, I'm dying out here and you can't post my blogs. And you were the one that specifically asked me for lots of photos.
