Wednesday, April 18, 2018

MUIRHEAD`S MYSTERIES: The case of the persecuting Welsh toads

Dear folks,

I am not being racist or toad-ist here, this really is an old story of some highly dangerous toads in south-west Wales which I found in Tony Roberts` `Myths and Legends of Pembrokeshire  (Abercastle Publications, 2016):


"A curious story is told of the farm called Trellyfant near Nevern. If you on the coast road from Newport to Moylegrove for about 4 miles, the farm lies down to the rigt and there is a fine prehistoric burial chamber in a field just visible from the road.

But the story, as told by Giraldus Cambrensis, (1146 - 1223 - Rich) relates how a young man, Cecil Longlegs, " during a severe illness, suffered as violent a persecution from toads, as if the reptiles (sic) of the whole province had come to him by agreement; and though destroyed by his nurses and friends , they increased again on all sides in infinite numbers , like hydras heads. His attendants, both friends and strangers, being wearied out, he was drawn up in a kind of bag into a high tree, stripped of its leaves; nor was he there secure from his venomous ( sic) enemies, for they crept up the tree in great numbers and consumed him to the very bones."

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