Monday, July 27, 2015

WW2015: Introducing Serena

There are only a few weeks left until this week's event, so I think it is time to showcase some of the attractions that we haven't talked about yet. For example:

Serena Cairns is an author who describes her writing thus: "I find the writing process akin to magic and attempt the art of literary alchemy, turning mere words into evocative stories. I won a short story writing course with The London School of Journalism, and went on to have stories, articles and poetry published in a number of magazines, ranging from Australian Cosmopolitan to The Criminologist".

She is also a winner of the 14o character short story for Wildsound Festival (
Father of Lies
ISBN-978 0 9931600 8 0
ISBN-978 0 9931982 3 6 e-book format

Something unspeakable has lain beneath an ancient Norfolk church for centuries. Its discovery now forces an unconventional female priest to take on an ancient religious order and brave Hell itself  – or are they one and the same adversary?
          What begins as a supernatural story evolves into a mystery that has stretched over centuries, and a hidden prophesy that completely re-shapes the Church of Rome.

"A brilliant philosophical and theological adventure that takes the reader from an ancient horror below a country church to a challenge of global proportions. A compelling, thought-provoking narrative, superbly written, tense and challenging."

"The characters are three-dimensional, the descriptions are evocative. With elements of M.R. James, Lovecraft and others – including Dan Brown – Serena Cairns has come up with something that is actually quite original in its own right."
BRUCE G. HALLENBECK - author/filmmaker

"I am a great fan of her writing."  SHANE BRIANT - actor/author 
If you want more WW info:
If you want to buy tickets online:
If you want a picture of a comedy rhinoceros:

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