Thursday, March 05, 2015

WEIRD WEEKEND 2015: Lineup changes

It will probably come as no surprise to anyone to hear that, because Richard had to pull out of the Tasmania expedition at the last minute, Lars Thomas will be delivering the Saturday night expedition report.

Richard will be giving his talk on dragons that he did to twelve people at the first Weird Weekend in Exwick village hall fifteen years ago...

I suspect that him, me, Graham and Nichola are the only people who will be at this year's event who were still there then.

1 comment:

  1. It certainly will come as no surprise to anyone who knows the CFZ. Lol:
    There are certainly two others (Bob and myself) who clearly remember that first dose of Weird Week-end chaos. Far more staff (most of them drunk), speakers and stall holders than audience members.
    To be quite honest, it came as something of a surprise that there was ever a Weird Week-end number two, let alone reach the present number.
