Saturday, June 28, 2014


Dear all - apologies for cluttering up your inbox. Now that the end of June is so close, just a reminder that tickets are still available for TetZooCon (Saturday 12th July, London Wetland Centre) - if you're interesting in coming, please book now:

The site also includes the final programme. There are talks on pterosaurs (Witton), dinosaurs and neck evolution (Taylor), primatology (Jahme), herpetology (Meredith), the science of mermaids (Viscardi), speculative zoology (Naish) and more... there's also a palaeoart workshop/discussion/event, a quiz, and one or two merchandise stalls. An article advertising the event has also just appeared at Tetrapod Zoology (

We really hope this can become a regular event, so please do consider coming along. Sorry to people who have already emailed me about absences and being out of the country and so on.

Best wishes and we look forward to seeing you there!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this.... but I'd prefer it if you referred to the meeting as 'TetZooCon' not 'the TetZoo Con'. Kinda creates the wrong impression, I think.
