Friday, August 16, 2013

SHERI THE CFZ INTERN: Day 7 – Wednesday

The weather today made it necessary to find out my waterproof. There were many overhanging branches and vines, which could easily whip someone in the eye. My task was to destroy them. The extra weight caused by the wet weather hung the branches even lower. This made it easier to determine where to cut but also caused water to flick me in the eye several times.

Afterwards I went about collecting up any shed leaves that couldn’t just be kicked into a hedge. This material was then put into the boundary. I then returned any stray garden tools etc. to their home. Whatever rubbish that was about was stuffed into a bin bag (or appropriate recycling receptacle).

I was eventually free to be inside, in the dry although I retained my wet socks and shoes for some time in case I may be required to return to the outside world. I accomplished very little whilst waiting for the Weird Weekend meeting to commence. Once it was over I was able to shower (when I actually managed to deduce how it worked). Much of evening was then spent playing eye spy. Thrilling. I never noticed how many things in the lounge begin with the letter ‘B.' 

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