Wednesday, June 06, 2012


I think it quite possible that comments from SYD and RICHARD F may not get posted...


A pack of hairless critters that has taken to a patch of woods just north of U.S. 183 and RM 1431 in Cedar Park has people in the area wondering if the creatures could be the legendary chupacabra. Authorities, however, are blaming the sightings on mangy coyotes. Read on...


And so thursday is upon us. Graham is still away visiting his mother and seeing Hawkwind (not necessarily in that order) and yesterday we discovered for the second year running that our Rio Cauca caecilians have bred. As far as I am aware we are the only people in Britain to have bred them twice.

We also have some jolly postings for you here on Gonzo Daily.

We start off with news about the special edition of Michael Des Barres new album (which comes out next month). I am very much looking forward to it:

We also have an interesting remix of one of the spacier tracks on Mimi Page's album:

There is news of a special acoustic concert by Rick and Oliver Wakeman:

And whilst on the subject of 'Yes' alumni, here is a video of Jon Anderson on Stipko Live:

We have Rob Ayling in a coon-skin cap. Why? We cannot say:

And there is a link top a review of 'Orfeas' by the mighty Judge Smith:

And finally guest blogger Richard Freeman says goodbye to Ray Bradbury, the writer who directly influenced Robert Calvert's Centigrade 232:

See you tomorrow...

CRYPTOZOOLOGY ONLINE: On The Track (Of Unknown Animals) Episode 58

The latest episode of our monthly webTV show from the CFZ and CFZtv, bringing you news on our activities within cryptozoology and natural history as well as the latest cryptozoological, and monster hunting news from around the world.

This episode brings you:

CFZ in summer
Harvest mouse
Small mammal trapping
Trail cams at Ashcroft
Roe deer
Short tailed Vole
Diamond Jubilee
Very large `owl pellets`
Owl pellet experiments
Yeti DNA project
Mystery cats in Cumbria
Corinna looks at out of place birds
New and Rediscovered: New yellow frog
New and Rediscovered: New lizard
New and Rediscovered: New skink


It may be the 21st Century – an ultra-technological age of cyberspace, DNA analyses, and subatomic particle physics - but the old traditions have far from vanished. In countless cultures worldwide, there still exists a tenacious, deep-rooted belief in therianthropy – the supposed ability of certain humans to transform themselves into animals. Werewolves are perhaps the most famous example, but many others are on record, including were-leopards, were-crocodiles, were-pigs, were-tigers, and were-hyaenas, to name but a few. One of the most extraordinary, however, are the encantado – the ‘enchanted ones’ – whose reality is still fervently asserted in many parts of South America, including Peru, Venezuela, and, especially, Brazil.

Read on...

HERPDIGEST: A Green Turtle book offer

June 21, 2012 352 pp., 34 b&w photos, 2 maps

An Uncensored History of a Conservation Icon
Alison Rieser

The journals of early maritime explorers traversing the Atlantic Ocean often describe swarms of sea turtles, once a plentiful source of food. Many populations had been decimated by the 1950s, when Archie Carr and others raised public awareness of their plight. One species, the green turtle, has been the most heavily exploited due to international demand for turtle products, especially green turtle soup. The species has achieved some measure of recovery due to thirty years of conservation efforts, but remains endangered.

In The Case of the Green Turtle, Alison Rieser provides an unparalleled look into the way science and conservation interact by focusing on the most controversial aspect of green turtle conservation—farming. While proponents argued that farming green sea turtles would help save them, opponents countered that it encouraged a taste for turtle flesh that would lead to the slaughter of wild stocks. The clash of these viewpoints once riveted the world.

Rieser relies on her expertise in ocean ecology, policy, and law to reveal how the efforts to preserve sea turtles changed marine conservation and the way we view our role in the environment. Her study of this early conservation controversy will fascinate anyone who cares about sea turtles or the oceans in which they live.

"The science, economics, and policies in this case are central to all conservation issues that the world faces today. The lessons learned from this story are applicable by all those interested in saving what little is left of our natural world. It is one of the most important books of its kind in the last 30 years."—James R. Spotila, author of Sea Turtles: A Complete Guide to Their Biology, Behavior, and Conservation

Alison Rieser is the Dai Ho Chun Distinguished Professor of ocean policy in the Department of Geography at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, and a Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation.

Email us first at for S&H fees for all overseas orders. (And yes this includes Canada)

1) Send a check to Herpdigest/Allen Salzberg/67-87 Booth Street -5B/Forest Hills, NY 11375. Make the check out to Herpdigest.

2) By Paypal - our account is If you are not a member of Paypal you can still use it with your credit card. Email us at that you have placed an order at Paypal.

By credit card, Master or Visa, Discover and Amex, only, send us your credit card number, expiration date, billing and shipping address to (Though I haven't heard of this happening, a credit card number stolen from an email, I'm told to prevent this send ccard number divided into two emails.)

4) Or Call us at 718-275-2190 between 10-5 Monday to Friday to order by phone.

And don’t forget to include those 3 numbers from the back of the credit card.


Whilst the focus of the CFZ Mystery Cat study group is predominantly the search for proof of the British big cats, it would be unrealistic to forget that this is only part of a global mystery cat phenomenon.

Here are a selection of mystery cat stories from around the world:

'Carrabelle Cat' par for the course?Apalachicola Times
A worker at a local golf course believes he spotted a big cat on the green. Back in 2009, another Carrabelle man first -stirred controversy when he posted a video, that he alleged was of a large black cat, photographed in Tate's Hell, on the internet.

'Cougar Team' springs into action
Toledo Blade
The job seems difficult enough as it is -- examining grainy photos of animal tracks, reviewing often wild-eyed personal accounts of close encounters, and even sorting through piles of scat -- all while attempting to determine if a big cat is present or ...

Mountain lion spotted Wednesday in Arcata

The mountain lion was lying in the caller's yard at about 8:45 pm, but when officers responded, the big cat ran into the nearby forest, according to the Arcata Police Department. The mountain lion was not acting in a threatening manner, according to ...

PHOTOS: Mountain lion roaming in Morrison

Jefferson County Sheriff was called to keep an eye on the big cat. (PHOTO CREDIT: Paul Jacobson) MORRISON - Around 9:30 am on Friday, a mountain lion was spotted in a tree in Morrison, Colorado. Jefferson County Sheriff was called to keep an eye on the ...

On the trail of the big cat
Courier Tribune, Asheboro

“Somebody in Denton had a deer camera set up and had pics of a big cat and ... “ Maybe the big cat will eat the big snake that has been lying across my back ...