Friday, December 07, 2012

THIS CHRISTMAS FROM CFZ PUBLISHING GROUP: Those Amazing Newfoundland Dogs by Jan Bondeson

The Newfoundland dog is one of the most majestic and impressive breeds of dogs. Originally bred as water dogs and draught dogs, Newfoundland dogs have been known in Britain at least since the 1730s. Considered a very superior breed of dogs, they soon became expensive and sought after: many noblemen and magnates wanted a specimen. Newfoundland dogs were also highly regarded for their ability to save human lives during shipwrecks or bathing accidents. Heroic Newfoundland dogs were depicted in schoolbooks, on popular engravings, and in books on natural history. These dogs were considered not just brave and altruistic, but also extremely intelligent; a large proportion of the anecdotes of dogs told by the Victorian dog-fanciers were related to the extraordinary sagacity of the Newfoundland. This book will resurrect the forgotten history of the Newfoundland dog, using original sources and illustrations to shed new light on this magnificent breed.


  1. I can vouch for that as my daughter has one. He's all black in colour and called Bowden. He's a completely soppy dog, but has to be locked away if I visit her because he knocks me over :)

  2. I can vouch for that because my daughter has one. His name is Bowden and he's totally black in colour. He's a completely soppy dog, but has to be shut away if I visit her because he knocks me over :) He managed to get out once and was collected by the local dog warden. However, the "authorities" had him down as a great dane - they didn't recognise a Newfie!
