Monday, October 08, 2012

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1939, Paul Hogan, Australia’s greatest movie star was born. You may scoff but lets be honest the first Crocodile Dundee film is pretty damn good and kicked off a bit of a craze about all things Australian across the world such as the music of Mozart, building cellars, Freud and being the birthplace of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Also if it weren't for Crocodile Dundee Steve Irwin might have had to find fame by dubbing himself the real life Dame Edna and his on-screen persona and Crocodile Hunter show would have been very different. Indeed the world may not have been ready for a bloke in a dress wrestling crocodiles. So we have a lot to thank him for (but not 'Almost an Angel', that was mank).
And now the news:
That's not a knife...

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