Sunday, July 15, 2012


Markus Hemmler added a mention of this piece of South African rock art to a discussion in one of the Cryptozoology groups on Facebook:

It appears to correspond to the description of the Dingonek and such. It might be a sort of large otter with exaggerated fangs, or it might be a composite. No known type of sabertoothed cat has a long tail like that, or much of a tail at all in most cases.

I also have some more Bigfoot tracks and such to add. I have been adding a lot of stuff on my Facebook wall recently and not so much here, so I suppose it's time for some trickle-down. Benny and I both have ongoing medical problems so things are not so good here. According to my last checkup I am edging towards a prediabetic condition (no real cause for concern yet) and so it's time to cut back on the Little Debbies (Something Benny has been telling me for years) and get back into a regular excercise routine. I had pretty much got to the point where I would write on the computer for a shift, walk across the living room to the easy chair, and nap until the next shift, back and forth at all hours. Right now on Facebook I am branching out and trying new and different things instead.

1 comment:

  1. Thought you want to see the original cave art (if you don't know it already):
