Monday, July 30, 2012

CFZ PEOPLE: Lars and Jeanett Thomas

LARS THOMAS WRITES: Dear friends and colleagues in the world of cryptozoology.

So many of you have expressed love and support during the almost six months my wife has been missing, so I feel it is my duty to inform you that the long wait, the months of anxiety and speculating is over – a few days ago I had...

The dreaded visit

On a Wednesday morning

There were two of them

We’re sorry to inform you...

Finally the answer

The gut wrenching answer I had known for months

Drowned, they said

Drifted all the way to the Polish coast, they said

I don’t really care, because now I truly know that you are no longer here, and that some part of me will be for ever lonely

23 years – just like that

But we will survive, the boys and I, we will never get over it, but we will learn to live with it.

But I promise you will be proud of us.
I promise I will give our boys the best life I possibly can.
I promise we will try to be happy again.

My fingers hesitate as my tears fall on the keyboard

So for the very last time
Farewell my love, my sweet, my life

Sleep well.

Apparently Jeanett fell into the water in Copenhagen Harbour and drowned the night in February where she disappeared. It is a small comfort that the weather and the water were blisteringly cold. It must have been over in seconds. And then she drifted all the way across the Baltic to land on the north coast of Poland. She was actually found in early April, but for some reason the Polish authorities didn’t bother to try establishing her identity until now. I have no idea when I can get her home and bury her – the paperwork (of which the Polish authorities are very fond it would seem) could take several more weeks.

Thank you – and please remember her.


  1. I am so sad for you.So sorry for such a great loss in your lives. will be thinking about you all xx

  2. We will light a candle for her, and for you, Lars.

    Our thoughts are with you.


  3. Lars, I am so sorry to read this awful news. The only consolation is that you can now have closure.

  4. Anonymous6:02 PM

    We are so sorry to hear of your sad loss. You and yours are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Davey,Joanne & Rosie Curtis.

  5. Lars, I am really sorry to hear this terrible news.

    Thinking of you all.

  6. Oh Lars, I am so very sorry to read this. Words, which normally convey so much, can offer so little at such a tragic time, but I offer you and your children my most sincere condolences.

  7. Lars,
    There are no words that can change the situation you find yourself in. However, hopefully there is some small comfort in knowing others are wishing you and the family well.

  8. Lars, you and your sons have been in my thoughts and prayers constantly since Jeanett's disappearance in February. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, and I am grateful only for your closure. I am so sorry for your loss.

  9. Sending you our love at this dreadful time Lars. You and the boys have had to be so strong for such a long time. I hope that some small measure of comfort can be gained from finally knowing what happened to Jeanett, and that you can continue to draw strength from each other and your many friends. Rest in peace Jeanett. David, Fiona and Meghan x x

  10. I am terribly sorry to hear this news. Lars, you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. Lars, you and your boys have been constantly in our thoughts and prayers. This is not the outcome we were praying for, but we hope it brings you some peace and closure.

  12. All our prayers Lars for you and your boys. You will be in our thoughts a lot.

  13. Lars,

    Such very sad news for you, which I’m so sorry to hear. You’ve been in my thoughts since Jeanett went missing, and now you and your boys are also in my thoughts and prayers. Nothing I can say can bring you solace, but perhaps, one day, you will reach a place that the following Celtic Blessing describes far better than I could:

    Deep peace of the Running Wave to you,
    Deep peace of the Flowing Air to you,
    Deep peace of the Quiet Earth to you,
    Deep peace of the Shining Stars to you,
    Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you.

    Peace and healing to all of you.

  14. Dear Lars,

    My deepest condolences to you and your family.

    Sincere regards,


  15. Dear Lars

    I have just read about the sad loss of your beloved wife. Please remember with fondness all the good times that you both had together, my thoughts and prayers are with you


  16. So sorry to hear about you sad loss Lars.
