Thursday, June 07, 2012


Today Wildlife Extra has posted one of the most upsetting stories I have read in a long time. Apparently, as a protest against their monkfish catch having been predated upon by seals, local fishermen decided to stage their own protest.

"As the staff of international and local volunteers arrived at the Dingle Wildlife and Seal Sanctuary they found the heads of a common seal and a Grey Seal nailed to the entrance sign into the Sanctuary, with the words Cull and RIP written in red alongside."

Whoever is responsible for this are complete scum, and deserve the worst kind of punishment. The only good thing that I can say about the imminent eco-death of the world's oceans is that it will force these filthy people onto the dole. Except that the inate greed of people like them across society has wrecked Europe's financial stability to such an extent that there won't be any dole.

It is time that we, as a so-called civilised society pulled a plug on unsutainable exploitation of what is left of our oceans, and realised that if we as a species are going to survive then we need to change. And if we are going to change then the first thing that we have to do is deal with filth like this.


  1. Hang them then put their carcasses on display.

  2. While the above photograph is decidedly shocking, I think it was a good idea to put it up there to give people some idea of how cruel their fellow humans can be. On a worldwide scale, incidents of vile cruelty to animals are by no means uncommon. The highlighting of such behaviour is always worthwhile, as is the expression of disgust that such behaviour merits.
