Sunday, June 24, 2012


And so the weekend is over, and we have bought a new tumble dryer on eBay. Not that this piece of news has any relationship whatsoever with the rest of the contents of the Gonzo Daily, but I just felt like sharing it. Whilst on the subject of appliances, I recently wrote a song about washing machines. I was influenced by various rap songs about major criminals doing nasty things to each other. Like the one quoted in a 'Preacher' Comic:

"I knew a crack dealer, his name was Peter
I blew him away with my nine millimetre"

So I wrote a song about a mate of mine called Ian who once (30 years ago in his mis-spent youth) stole a vanload of second-hand washing machines when he was drunk, only to find out that none of them worked properly.

It had to be done.

But I digress (although it IS monday). Today's posts are many and varied.

A rather charming Polish review of the new live CD/DVD from Chris Thompson. I have left the text completely unedited to retain that aforementioned charm...


Re. Bigfoot Guitar.

Is there any concievable excuse we can think of which would get me to buy one of these and charge it as expenses? I sooooo want one!

Gail Skelly is an unsigned folk singer. Rob met her the other day, and we decided to feature her on the Gonzo Daily. Why? Because we can.

What? Another part of the exclusive interview with Wally and Jackson Webber mainman Roy Webber? Mr Ambassador, you are spoiling us...

Journalists have got a bad press lately. They have been maligned as low life scum who will stoop to anything to get a story. But what sort of low-life scum would stoop to stealing pictures from a girl's Facebook page. Well, me actually. There are some very cool pics of Mimi Page on stage at the Lightning in a Bottle Festival. They were on her page, now they are here. Capisce?

As regular readers will probably know, for some reason not entirely understood by me (although it was me who started it) when I send out the blog notifications each sunday, I do them in rhyme.And Liz L, chanteuse of Auburn, quite often answers me in the same style...

A sneak preview of the title track of the new Michael Des Barres CD, which you may have read me wittering on about sometimes. It really is bloody excellent.

We will be back tomorrow,

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