Sunday, May 06, 2012


Bristol Zoo statement regarding city centre mystery

Earlier this morning (13/4/12) we were called by the managers of Broadmead to investigate this unusual activity in the centre of Bristol. It appears that a car has been partially crushed by some huge creature, which has also left remarkable, unworldly footprints in the ground!

This is highly unusual and very unlike anything we have ever seen – the footprints are over three feet long and of a very bizarre shape. We are currently taking samples, measurements and other evidence to help us solve this exciting mystery over the coming weeks. Whatever this creature is, we hope to be able to bring it to Bristol Zoo to show the public in all its magnificence - this could be the start of something big and exciting for Bristol this summer!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Ah, I see a significant clue probably missed by the other investigators! The creature comes from Dover, its feet are covered in white chalk dust. Don't everybody start thanking me at once.
