Sunday, May 13, 2012

CARL MARSHALL: Update on the black fox

Did you watch the channel 4 docu on the black fox? it was on the other night.

It turns out my second theory was half correct! The animal was indeed a domesticated, melanistic silver/Siberian fox - but this is where it get even more intriguing - if you remember, my original theory was that this creature could have been a black phase Arctic fox. I was basing this theory, mainly on the thickness of the fox's coat and the shape of its ears but eventually discarded this idea after more research and eventually favored the Siberian fox which does normally display these features. Well after all this it seems that the fox in question was a black silver fox BUT a genentic mutation suggested it may have had raccoon dog dna introduced into its genetic make up at some point to produce an even thicker coat. This individual was probably introduced as a pet as they are now proving to be very popular pets in he USA.

I actually revealed this as a possible identity to Helen McRobie from the Anglica Ruskin uni long before she had the results from the tests.

Hopefully it wont be to long before we get our samples now the program has aired.

Hope you are well mate and look forward to visiting again soon.

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