Wednesday, April 11, 2012


We have another sparkling collection of rock and roll odds and sods for you today on the Gonzo Blog.

First up Judge Smith, one of the founder members of Van der Graaf Generator talks about his album 'Curly's Airships' which amongst other things features Peter Hammill himself:

Chris Thompson, late of Manfred Mann's Earth Band, and a jolly good performer in his own right does what many have attempted - and failed - before. He tackles Bob Marley's 'Redemption Song' and gets away with it. We have an exclusive slice of Video for you:

We have a mightily peculiar French review of Merrell Fankhauser's new album. Even accounting for the vagiaries of Google Translate, I still can't work out whether he likes it or not. I am posting this more out of curiosity than anything else:

Whilst on the subject of Merrell F, here is a much more conventional review (he likes it) and a very cool picture of the man himself:

We also have a French review of 'Orfeas' by Judge Smith (once of Van Der Graaf Generator). It seems other people like this album nearly as much as I do.

And just in case you missed them, here are a couple of ELP related stories bthat I posted last night whilst in a fit of enthusiasm. They include news of Greg Lake's new tour, forthcoming album, and why an ELP reuinion seems rather unlikely:

And whilst we are on the subject of ELP, we take a look at the persistent rumour that Hendrix once recorded with them:

Until tomorrow, th-th-th-that's all folks (unless I get all overly enthusiastic again)

1 comment:

  1. I must confess to being somewhat alarmed and at the same time being amused by your choice of the words "culture lovers" in your introduction to this item.
    Surely the term "culture" is a total contradiction of that appears on the GONZO BLOG.
