Saturday, April 28, 2012


We all know that robin`s can build their nests in unusual places but I`ve never heard of one in a pram,until about 2 weeks ago. I found the following story in the Shropshire Star of April 13th 2012, whilst on a break with my church at Quinta near the Shrops-Wales border. There are 4 photos accompanying the story showing the nest and other aspects.

“ROBIN SETS UP NEST – IN FAMILY`S PRAM” by Judith Sanders (1)

It`s an unusual place to raise a family – a children`s play pram hanging up inside a garage in Telford. But for this family of robins, it has proved the perfect nest for their five young – tucked away from the wintry weather.

It was only when Fiona Carroll-Stone decided to find the pram for her children to play with that they made the surprise discover. Mrs Carroll-Stone and her family were overjoyed when the eggs finally hatched on Easter Sunday. Mrs Carroll-Stone , of Donnington, said: “We were very worried when we realised the eggs were in there as the pram is hanging inside the garage and I had been shutting the door. “ I was concerned that I had shut the parent birds out but then we noticed a little square bit of wood which had rotted away on the bottom of the garage door and they were flying in and out through there. “Now we just leave the door open and we see the mum and dad hopping around in the garden gathering worms for the chicks. “We have a lot of birds around the garden but we have not had a nest like this before.”

Mrs Carroll-Stone said she and her husband Patrick, a self-employed builder,had gone to get the pram down for their children to play with when they spotted the nest. She said: “ We do not know how long the eggs have been there but there seem to be three chicks now. “ I have not had a good look because I`d not want to disturb them. “ I would have felt awful if they had not hatched.” Robins are renonwned for being tame around humans and the birds even fly in and out of the garage while Patrick works in there. Their three children Maizy,aged nine,Minny, aged three and Junior, aged one, are thrilled with their feathered visitors.

Mrs Carroll-Stone added: “ My son has been leaving the light on in the garage for them so that the chicks can see.” (2)

1. I contacted Judith Sanders for more information about the story but received no reply, but if you want to try her e-mail address is
2. Shropshire Star April 13th 2012

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