Monday, March 05, 2012


My Spanish is nowhere near good enough to translate this. I acn only do it if I am face to face with someone and waving my arms about. Is there anyone out there in bloggoland who can translate this for us?

Scott Corrales has covered this news story:

Michoacán's Diario ABC reported the strange deaths of 35 sheep in the town of Parácuaro. The incident occurred in the early morning hours of 1 March 2012. The boides presented claw and tooth injuries; the majority of the injuries were under the neck, as if sliced by a razor. The person who looked after the sheep pens stated that he saw the entity that attacked the animals: it had fangs, claws and wings, and moved very quickly.

Read on...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:18 PM

    The event almost certainly doesn't deserve any especial attention. I am informed only one of the sheep bears obvious wounds and not all of the sheep shown are even dead yet. It is more likely a virus or something the poor sheep are getting.

    Best Wishes, Dale D.
