Friday, March 09, 2012


This article appeared on Wildlife Extra the other day (the headline is mine):

"March 2011. Donald Trump's boys have returned from a hunting safari in Zimbabwe. The Trump boys photos have appeared on the Hunting Legends website posing next to some of the animals that they have shot. The photos make my stomach turn, but one outrages me in particular.

One photo (On the right - Click here to see the Youtube video) shows Donald Trump Junior holding the tail of an elephant and a large knife. He is standing next to the carcass of an elephant that has a rifle leaning against it. We don't know whether he shot the elephant or not, or whether he cut the tail off himself, but that is clearly the impression the photo is meant to give. "

1 comment:

  1. Donald Trump probably sent his boys there to see if they could find Obama's real birth certificate in Zimbabwe. They, of course, couldn't find it, so they decided to kill some wildlife instead.
