Sunday, April 01, 2012


News for CirclemakersTV... we have a fast broadband connection again - back to 80k up from 40k... so back to Devizes old studio standards. Yay... so expect better quality live from future shows. Ofcourse youtube uploads will be the same perfect quality but its nice that people watching live will no longer have to suffer a slighter slower jerkier quality. So the Bstards couldnt keep us down! Ha.
We will do a test show at the increased data rate soon and hopefully the results will be pleasing.
Also we have some interesting news on telepathic coincidences in making crop circles which was revealled to me in a very syncronistic meeting. More on this exciting and intriguing story on the next show.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:14 PM

    "Some interesting news on telepathic coincidences in making crop circles which was revealled to me in a very syncronistic meeting." My brain hurts! But then it takes me an age to tie a double knot in my shoe laces.
