Monday, March 05, 2012

JON'S JOURNAL: Paw print at Kennerland

Yesterday afternoon I had such big plans. We were taking Richard back to Barnstaple anyway, so I thought to myself: "Wayhay - here I can do two other things I want to do. I can go to Thornton's to buy diabetic chocolates, and we can go for a walk along the side of the River Taw and look at waders.

Sadly, it was high water so there weren't any waders, we couldm't find how to get down to the river at the spot I wanted, and Thornton's was closed. We did see a goldfinch by the side of the road at Sticklepath though.

On the way back we stopped at Kennerland Cross to take Pru for a walk. We found this paw print in a almost vertical mud track through the bottom of a hedge. My camera was hors de combat so we had to immortalise it on video instead:

Now, I'm not making any claims at all for this, apart from the fact that it appears to be a pawprint, and that it was a bit bigger than one of Prudence's. Anyone care to try for an identification?

1 comment:

  1. Jon, this is so shaky I exected 'Patty' the female sasquatch to walk by at any moment ;-)
