Saturday, March 17, 2012


It is a mildly interesting synchronicity that two different sources, using two different cryptids have come up with what is essentially the same news story...

Bigfoot Lunch Club: Scientific Poll: Bigfoot Believers; Americans vs ...

By Guy Edwards

"One out of five Canadians believe the legendary Bigfoot stomps through the forests. Americans are even more inclined to believe Bigfoot lives in the West Coast mountains." --Vancouver Sun ...

Almost one in five Britons believe Loch Ness monster for real ...

Canadians have about the same degree of belief in so-called mythical creatures as Britons. Roughly the same percentage of Canadians believe in the reality ...


  1. It would be interesting to ask them what else they believed in.

  2. Yes it would, very. Also to find out their general level of knowledge about the natural world. For example one sees polls about British big cats saying that - say - 80% of people polled believe in them. But a surprising number of people I have met believe that lynx, for example, are supposed to be wild in the UK
