Saturday, February 25, 2012


In a debate with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, atheism poster boy Richard Dawkins admitted there's a god. Well, a chance of one. A very small chance. To be specific, Dawkins said, according to the Independent, "the probability of any supernatural creator existing is very, very low, so let's say I'm a 6.9." (That was "on his own atheism scale of one-to-seven," seven being the most certainly atheist.)

That seems to me akin to Nick Griffin coming out and admitting that he is grieving for Whitney Houston.


  1. Dawkins has always said this, he talked about it at length in 'The God Delusion'. As PZ Myers said on Pharyngula, he is a scientist afterall...

  2. Other than her immediate family, is any one actually grieving for Whitney Houston, a tone deaf junkie who could not sing.

  3. I believe that Richard Dawkins was being some what over generous in his estimate. He probably did not want to distress the god bothering nutcase / archbishop too much.
    The real odds of there being a god or some other supernatural deity are without doubt a big ZERO.
    All religions and all associated deities, were invented by a tiny minority of men, (probably the Bankers of the day) in order to control the lives (and wallets) of the vast majority of other men.
